I was so happy to learn that once I am on the Metabolic Balance program after 5 weeks, I could enjoy a treat meal once a week and to top it off, it could be whatever I wanted. I was sticking strictly to the plan. I think the anticipation of having the treat meal as a reward helped me to stick to the plan that much easier.
So after my first 5 weeks on the plan, I went to a gala, where they had a 5 course meal. The first course was the bread. Well I have not ate regular wheat bread in 14 years, so that was easy to pass on. Then came out pastas, about 3 different pasta dishes. Again, I have not had regular pastas since 2005, another pass. Since that time I have enjoyed gluten-free breads and pastas from time to time, however they still spike blood sugar. so they are not included in the initial phases of the Metabolic plan. except for 100% rye bread, yeast-free. Anyway back to the 5 course meal. they brought out a salad so I added that to my salad plate. Then came the main course, roast chicken and shaved roast beef. That was accompanied with potatoes and roast vegetables. I enjoyed this, with only a few small roasted potatoes. So with the exception of the potatoes, I pretty much stayed with the Metabolic Balance plan for my main meal. Dessert was a different story. They brought out an apple crisp with whipped cream. When I took my first bite, I did think it was too sweet, however I ate it anyway. Within a half an hour, my tummy hurt so much. So my first treat meal was not such a treat after all.
I have also had other opportunities to have desserts with my treat meal and some have been okay, like a tiny sliver of pumpkin pie.
I have also tried, believe it or not, fish and chip Friday. Bleh, that was another tummy upset. Sometimes even hearing the name of a certain food has turned my stomach, as well as the aroma of other foods, These are foods that at one time I used to enjoy, despite been nutritionally void. Now I know better. Growing up on a reserve, we have been accustomed to the sub-par fast food take-out and carb heavy meals. Now it just does not have the same wow factor, it has the opposite factor!
I one time did try chicken wings with a caesar salad and that was okay. Since being on the Metabolic Balance plan, I automatically have more portion control as well. I am happy with a little bit of something. I am happy to indulge in an occasional treat, and historically eating was that way. Our ancestors did not have the availability of fast food and sweet treats at every meal, plus snacks in between! What an incredible overload on our pancreas, liver and other organs that work their hardest to keep us alive.
I have enjoyed my own organic popcorn and Kombucha at the movies.. Don't tell the movie theatre that I sneak this in.
Another treat meal has been an organic beef burger patty, with corn on the cob, then a homemade gluten-free cacao birthday cake muffin with coconut whipped cream.
I made these for my daughter's birthday!
So now my latest treat meal was a night out at the Keg! Wow it was amazing. I enjoyed a Caesar salad, a 6oz top sirloin, with a double baked potato, and roast vegetables, Sorry the picture is not the greatest as the ambiance was dark. I ate half my baked potato and 3/4 of my steak. I enjoyed the green beans, but swapped the roasted red peppers for my daughter's asparagus pate. I just not stuff myself past full as I had done previously. I was able to save room for dessert. It was a free Billy Miner pie, which is a Mocha ice cream on a chocolate crust with hot fudge, caramel and almonds. They brought extra forks so I could share it with my family and I was able to do just that. I didn't have to try to stab them with the fork for dare touching my pie!
Top Sirloin Dinner
So you see with a few simple rules to abide by, the day of enjoying your treat meal, you do not have to feel deprived of some of the succulent pleasures of great tasting meals. Like me, though you may find some of your favourites, are no longer your favourites and there is just no going back to them.
That was an awesome birthday present, a night out with family, however I think another one of the greatest gifts, I gave to myself, it is - the Metabolic Balance plan. Some people might think it is too expensive, and initially I thought that myself. Living the healthiest I can be is so worth it! It's an initial investment, however, free the rest of your life!