I am still in Phase 2 of my Metabolic Balance Plan, and I am so amazed that I am not caving to the cravings. Actually this is not the total truth, I don't really have them like I used to. Okay, sometimes the aroma of my daughter's sweet cinnamon toast or my son's pepperoni pizza still calls my name, however it does not signal a ravenous hunger response that used to win over. (Not that I would eat these foods, but they would signal me to eat other non-gluten treats.) My internal signal that I am not hungry is more accurate and now that wins over. During a family get together, I could not eat the buffet of delicious dishes prepared, with the accompanying wafting aromas. It was not my time to eat and I seriously was not hungry. I would say that before Metabolic Balance, I would have been chomping at the bit to partake and I would have, no doubt. I often wondered what it felt like to not feel hungry?
Seven days in, I lost 3 pounds. Twenty one days in, I lost 10 pounds, lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist, 1/2 off the hips, and a 1/2 off my thigh. Day 26, I had lost 2 more pounds, another 1/2 inch off my waist, 1/2 inch off my hips and another 1/2 off the thigh. On day 30, I have not lost more pounds, but a total of 4 inches of my waist, 2 inches off my hips and 2 and 1/2 off my upper thigh! My BMI has already dropped 2 points to 31. According to the World Health Organization a BMI between 30 - 35 is considered in the category of Obesity Stage 1. A BMI between, 25- 25.9 is still overweight and a BMI between 18.5-24.9 is considered in the normal range. As BMI increases so does your risk of disease.
For Metabolic Syndrome, a risk factor is having a waist circumference of 35 inches or more for women. for men it is greater than 40 inches. This circumference factor and 2 additional factors from Low HDL cholesterol, High triglycerides, High serum glucose, and High blood pressure equals Metabolic Syndrome. What is Metabolic Syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke. These are diseases that would certainly impede my desire to live out my later years healthily, free of limitations and debilitating states. I want to live well in my later years and I am making a conscious choice to work towards that end.
Metabolic Balance
What is also incredible about the Metabolic Balance nutri-style is that the healthy meals are incredibly easy to prepare. That was one thing that let my mind frown upon beginning the Metabolic Balance program. Although committed to doing the program my initial concerns were thinking that meal preparation would be time consuming and I would not have enough time. Most times my meals take max 20 minutes to prepare and other times way less. I don't make them extravagant, but still delicious! I keep it simple sweetie!
So do the pounds just seeming to be hanging on? Would you like to say good riddance to feeling STUCK, with constant dieting attempts and struggles with food. What's great about the Metabolic Balance Program is it is a personalized approach and will stop your struggles in their tracks! It is based on 25 years of scientific study, your health history, personal blood values and it is a #1 Weight Management Program. No need to count calories, gone is the "low fat", and starving yourself or spending hours at the gym. It's about what foods and nutrients your own body requires. Forget the "one size fits all" approach as it just doesn't work nor does exercising more. What are you waiting for? Hop on board the Metabolic Balance journey like me and thousands others worldwide, reset your metabolism and get back your health to enjoy life more! So what do you think? It's up to you. Contact me, click on over to my Metabolic Balance Page and fill out the contact form and we will get you on your way!