Life Sustainers Natural Health & Nutrition Market

Life Sustainers Natural Health Market- Holisitic

Trigger Finger, Thumb? Carpel Tunnel?

Alternative Medicine, Nutrients, NutraceuticalsKaren SmithComment

So it was in May of 2018 when I originally posted on Soical Media about this miraculous discovery for Trigger Thumb which at the time I happened to have.

 Sometimes, well actually too many, I forget to listen to my own advice? Here's what I posted back then, 6 years ago

"Years ago I developed Carpel Tunnel. I was prescribed splints and also was eventually scheduled for surgery! I ended up cancelling surgery. When I went to study Holistic Nutrition, I learned that Vitamin B6 is helpful for Carpel Tunnel. Well now I have developed Trigger Thumb! It started with an intense pain in the fatty pad at the base of my thumb. It felt like there was a nodule in there as well. It caused weakness, such that I had a hard time unscrewing jars, unbuckling seat belts, even washing dishes hurt! Then 3 weeks in my thumb started locking in a bent position and only being able to snap open rather than the usual fluid movement. This hurt as well. Texting Thumb or Finger is the same thing as Trigger Thumb or Finger, also called Stenosing Tenosynovitis! The medical treatment for it is prescribed NSAIDs, anti inflammatory meds (that have side effects,of which one is to further deplete Vit B6), rest, exercise, splints or cortisone injections (that potentially cause bone loss)  or eventual surgery! In doing my research for natural treatments, I stumbled upon numerous claims of people having success alleviating Carpel Tunnel or Trigger Finger following the advice in the book, The Doctor Who Looked at Hands by Dr Ellis.
It was supplementing with the activated P-5-P form of Vitamin B6, it DOES NOT have the warning of neuropathy that comes with just regular Vitamin B6, and I happen to have that on the shelves of LifeSustainers so I am going to give that a try! Turns out, it is caused by a vitamin deficiency and repetitive motions! Since I have making these posts with my Cellie on Instagram, I think that is what aggravated it!"

At that time, I did take the P-5-P, at a dose of 50mg/3 times a day, and sometimes not, if I forgot. But the Trigger Thumb did go away, I think about after 4 months. This time I am trying at a little higher dose 200 -250mg a day. This does seem to be giving some quicker relief. Since that time I have also been doing a custom powder with lots of Magnesium as well. Magnesium deficiency has also been implicated in Trigger Finger or Thumb. 

"If you're short on magnesium you can't utilize your calcium optimally. And the body can and does express calcium when it's short on magnesium.
Lack of Magnesium causes muscles to get and stay tight. And those muscles pull and compress the thumb joint, which causes the body to make it 'stronger' by building up bone and tough connective tissue tissue to help withstand the compression.
B. Lack of Vitamin B6 and B12 cause all sorts of problems (inability to utilize magnesium)."

So interesting this time, I did not develop Trigger Thumb, but Trigger Finger. So the moral of this story, is that I should not let up on taking my Vitamin P-5-P, because when it's stopped, there is a risk it will return. Again, because I am posting on social media, either at my computer or cell, there is a lot of repetitive motion going on. 

The other thing though I have not seen it mentioned in anything that I have read is, but I am considering the EMF frequencies transmitted from devices may also factor in. I tend to place my hand in my palm. Along with trigger finger and I mentioned in it my prior post, that I developed a nodule just below my finger. If you ever have had or are currently experiencing this issue, if you press there, it will be painful and you can feel the bump. I have been trying to use my phone more placed on a table rather than in my hand. 

I have come across information that those that have to hold vibrational tools often times suffer from Trigger Finger and or Carpel Tunnel.

"Critical hand movements, particularly those involving gripping tools or extensive typing, are significant risk factors for developing trigger finger. The mechanism underlying this condition involves the inflammation and narrowing of the sheath surrounding the tendons in the finger, leading to a catching or locking sensation. Activities that require forceful finger movements, such as using vibrating hand-held machinery, further exacerbate this risk due to the constant strain placed on the flexor tendons."

Also Inflammation causes Vitamin B6 deficiency, so if you have Carpel Tunnel or Trigger Finger, you have inflammation. 

So along with taking the Vitamin P-5-P, and Magnesium one can also take supplements known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Omega 3, Curcumin, Boswellia, Ginger, Bromelain, Cayenne, Sulforaphane. All these supplements mentioned are available at Life Sustainers.

Other things that can factor in with the cause of inflammation are food sensitivities, like gluten intolerance which cause Leaky Gut, which causes an inability to efficiently absorb nutrients.

What also helps is to do some stretching or finger exercises, Physio, Ice Baths or even Infrared Heat, Laser Therapy or Nerve Flossing. Here is a video of a nerve flossing technique for Carpel Tunnel 


This is a longer version, so the flossing is the 2nd part of the video

Here is another link for Physio Exercises for Trigger Finger. If you have benefits or can afford physio, you can also seek those modalities to help.  

The other issue is the nodule or bump that forms is also considered as scar tissue or an adhesion. Serrapeptase, or Nattokinase are helpful when taken away from food to help break that down.  

Here is one more video to try, once you start searching, you will find a lot of videos with suggested exercises and modalities to try but do not forget the supplements to help the recovery and future prevention.

Using all the parts, waste not Deer Tallow

Haudenosaunee foods, Nutrients, Recipes, Life Sustainers products, HomemadeKaren SmithComment

Historically when obtaining food sustenance, our life sustainers, we used every part of the plant or animal that we could. 

Deer Tallow

Now, when I think about all the beneficial benefits of wild game, I think we may now discard some of the equally beneficial parts of the game. When studying holistic nutrition, I became aware of the benefits of bone broth, usually Chicken, and Beef. It is touted as being so beneficial for its nutrient value that "the global bone broth market size was USD 1.02 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow from USD 1.08 billion in 2023 to USD 1.62 billion by 2030."


Bone broth has been researched and known to have, Collagen protein, Glycosaminoglycans, including glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid

Amino acids, like glycine, proline, arginine, and glutamine, Essential macro minerals, like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium and Iodine (if fish bones are used), vitamin A, and vitamin K2 and Bone broth supports immunity and digestive health in both humans and animals. 

By the way I sell Chicken and Beef bone broth powders at Life Sustainers. 

This one time I tried to make Venison Bone Broth, but the bones given to me at the time were the leg bones and I think I should have cut them to boil down, so it didn't quite work out as I thought. If anyone has any experience in bone broth making, please contact me. 

I just think with all the hunting done in our community from deer, wild turkey, and moose hunting trips we could be reverting back to our pride in utilizing all of the animal, getting all the benefit it has to offer, once we have given our thanks and gratitude as in our Thanks Giving address, the Ohenton Kariwetekwen. This we did and still do for every living animal and plant harvested. We honoured all life forces that helped to sustain us, plant, animal, or bird and equally were all important in the circle of life. So this also brings me to my next idea, rendering deer tallow or moose tallow which I have not tried yet. Have you?
 I did a quick search and found this blog which I am sharing in it's entirety and crediting with the link below it. 

Venison Fat & Rendering Deer Tallow

Contrary to popular belief, venison fat is useable and worth the effort to harvest. While deer tallow isn’t a common term for most folks, it does serve a purpose and has a place in your kitchen.

Until recent times, people had a pretty intimate connection with their food. They knew where it came from and were typically personally involved in every aspect of it from field to table. This connection also gave them first-hand knowledge of more traditional ingredients and how to use them.

In today’s world, that connection and those traditional ingredients and practices have been largely lost to the industrialization and commercialization of our foodstuffs.

In the past, butchering an animal would’ve been done in a person’s barn, depending on the size of the animal it may have been a local, community effort or simply a family event. When butchering, our ancestors generally took the time to harvest and find a use for nearly every part of an animal, including the fat.

What is deer tallow?

Animal fat that is rendered down from deer, elk, moose, caribou, bear, sheep, goats, bovine, and other ruminants is called tallow. While fat rendered pork fat is generally called lard , fat rendered from birds is called schmaltz, and rendered butter is referred to a ghee.

Simply put, deer tallow is created by the act of slowly heating pieces of fat up to melt it, also referred to as rendering. It is then cooled and stored.

While deer don’t have much fat on them and many, many people say it’s not worth the effort to harvest the fat for rendering, it actually is. Just like rendering lard, deer fat has its place in the world well above vegetable oils, which are actually rancid and has been industrially bleached and deodorized to mask its rancidity.

It can seem like it isn’t worth the effort because venison is such a lean meat, but I promise the effort you take to harvest and render deer fat will be worth it.

Where does deer fat to make tallow come from?

Believe it or not, there are different types of fat on a deer. First, and foremost, there is the caul fat which is the thin, lacy fat surrounding the deer’s entrails and is fantastic for covering venison meatloaves or meatballs or using as sausage casing. You can remove it, package it and freeze it for later use.

The next type of fat you’re likely to encounter when butchering a deer is the suet. This is the fat inside the body cavity surrounding the kidneys and such. It is hard and waxy. This is generally the fat that is rendered from a cow, while a lot of people say they don’t care for it from a deer. Me? I use it to render, it does have a higher melting point, though. It’s fantastic for soap making, and can just simply be rendered for cooking, too.

And lastly, is the fat on the outside of the carcass, all those bits that you usually cut away and put in the gut heap, it’s good fat. Unfortunately, if you aren’t hanging your deer in the hide, you need to work quickly so the fat doesn’t go rancid.


Yes, deer fat goes rancid fairly quickly. The reason? Deer fat is high in omega-3s, when the temperature gets above freezing and air begins hitting the fat, oxidation begins. Oxidation causes rancidity.

The quicker you can get your deer broken down, cooled, and out of oxygen (in the refrigerator) the less likely the fat will go rancid, the longer it will store, and the better tasting it will be.

What does venison tallow taste like?

Fat is the flavor vehicle of all meat, not the muscle itself, so fat flavor largely depends on diet. While in the past people made pie crusts out of lard (which does have a pork-like flavor), most of society has become accustomed to vegetable shortening, which has no flavor because it’s deodorized and bleached so eating traditional fats can be a bit of a transition.

Depending on where your deer is from will largely dictate what the fat will taste like. If you hunt in the grain belt, it likely ate a good deal of grain and grass and will taste similar to the beef most of us are used to eating. If your deer ate a lot of acorns, the flavor will be equally delicious. Hunting in areas where deer are small and typically very, very lean, the little bit of fat on it may not taste very good (though, it can still be used to make candles and soap, more on that later).

If you aren’t sure if you want to go to the trouble to render fat you won’t enjoy the flavor of, melt a small sliver in a pan with some water and smell it. If you enjoy the smell, it’ll taste good. If you don’t? I still recommend you render it and make it into good soap or deer tallow candles.

Deer fat is very high in stearic acid, which gives the fat a sort of waxy feel that will coat your mouth. But, if you like beef fat, you’ll enjoy deer fat and rendering it into tallow helps calm down that coating feeling that can be too much for a lot of people.

Even rendered, deer tallow will coat your mouth. A little bit goes a long way. Add small amounts to your cooked summer sausages or deer burger and the flavor is amazing and it’s not too waxy. Add too much, it’s waxy and can be unpleasant.

What are the benefits of tallow?

Tallow of all kinds supplies you with all sorts of essential, fatty acids.

  • High in Omega-3s, which can improve cardiovascular health 

  • High in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to help in fat loss.

  • Deer tallow has the highest levels of stearic acid of any food, which can reduce LDL, or bad, cholesterol.

  • Tallow has a high smoke point and is more stable than industrial cooking oils.

  • It’s also fantastic for your skin making it perfect for soap making, lotions, and balms.

  • It’s a great, sustainable, local option for fat for cooking or skincare options.

  • It enables you to utilize the entire animal, nose to tail, not putting anything to waste.

  • Learning to render your own tallow is a self sufficient skill that is worthwhile so that those skills aren’t lost.

What is deer tallow used for?

Like beef tallow, deer tallow has many uses.

  • It can be used to add to your deer sausages or ground meat in place of unrendered fat to add a little fat and make the venison flavor really pop. Note: don’t use it in uncooked, dry cured applications as the waxiness of it isn’t very palatable.

  • You can use it for frying things like french fries. or sauteeing vegetables.

  • Add it to the top of your venison steak or roast for a burst of flavor.

  • Use it to waterproof leather products.

  • Save the suet to feed your chickens in the winter.

  • Make tallow soap, it’s great for making a facial bar since tallow naturally helps remove impurities from the skin.

  • Make an emergency jar candle.

  • Use it as a fire starter.

  • Make tallow balm for healthy, glowing skin.

How to render deer tallow

You will need:

  • Deer fat trimmed from around the organs and/or the outside of the animal, if it has hit air for very long, you may want to remove trim off the outermost part of the fat.

  • A grinder or a sharp knife and cutting board.

  • A large stock pot

  • Jars or tubs for storage

  • A cup of water

To begin, trim deer fat from the carcass, removing as much meat as you can; immediately refrigerate and cover it until the next day.

Next, you’ll want to either grind the fat with a hand grinder, an electric grinder, or cut it up into small pieces. If you’re cutting it by hand, you’ll want to start with really cold fat, in fact, you may want to pop it in your freezer for a bit to get it really cold, just not frozen.

Alternatively, if you do not have a grinder, you could also pop your trimmed fat into a food processor to get it chopped into little bits.

Place your ground-up fat into a large stockpot, add a cup of water, cover, and cook on the lowest heat setting you possibly can.

Now, you wait. The rendering process will take a long time. It took about 5 hours to render and my 5-quart stockpot was full. You’ll have bits of meat and other impurities that separate from the fat as it’s rendering, this is normal. Check it once in a while to make sure it’s not burning and give it a little stir.

You’ll know the fat is rendered once the impurities are floating (the little pieces of meat generally sink to the bottom of the pot) and the fat is clear and no longer cloudy.

Once rendered, place some cheesecloth in a colander and carefully pour your liquid fat into a bowl.

Next, transfer your strained fat into a pan, or glass jars. I prefer cooling mine in a pan and chopping it up because tallow is very hard when solid and that can make it difficult to get out of the jars.

Deer tallow, like all rendered fats, is shelf stable, once rendered it can be kept at room temperature for a year or longer assuming it is kept cool and out of direct sunlight.

Prep Time: 15 minutes 

Cook Time: 6 hours 

Total Time: 6 hours 15 minutes 


  • Trimmed Deer Fat

  • Water


  1. Trim fat from your deer, removing as much meat and other tissues as possible.

  2. Run cold fat through meat grinder, or trim it into small pieces by hand.

  3. Place ground fat into large stockpot, adding 1 cup of water, cover, heating with the lowest heat possible so it doesn't burn. Stir occasionally.

  4. Fat is rendered when liquid is clear and impurities have risen to the top.

  5. Strain rendered fat through a cheesecloth fit on a colander.

  6. Pour strained fat into jars or pans and cool. Cut into pieces and store in a jar or other airtight, glass container if cooled in pans. Will keep for a year or more at room temperature.

There you have it! how many already do this with their game meat, Deer, Moose, Elk?  


Essential Oils, not so well known

Essential OilsKaren SmithComment

Some Essential Oils and their various uses
Everyone probably knows Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint but what about these ones?
 Which ones help with cravings, incontinence, or gas, read on to find out.

Essential OIls of Angelica Root, Copaiba, Cypress, Marjoram Spanish,, & Wintergreen


  • Energetically, angelica root is warming and stimulating for digestion. 

  • Its bitter compounds help to get digestive enzymes and secretions going, with its slight spiciness it boosts circulation to the stomach. 

  • The stimulating benefits of angelica root can be beneficial to the lungs, helps with congestion and to clear out mucus. Angelica can be a helpful herb for cold and flu season. 

  • Dong quai, a close relative of angelica root is of the most supportive herbs for PMS and the menstrual cycle as a whole. While angelica doesn't have the same effect on hormones that dong quai does, it does help with cramps because it stimulates blood flow. 

  • Diaphoretic properties which helps you to sweat. 

  • It is also a a natural diuretic meaning that it increases the quantity and frequency of urination which can help purify your system. 

  • These functions mean that angelica oil can help purify the body and fight off damage to the kidneys as well as protecting against health problems like rheumatism, gout and kidney stones.

  • used for nervousness and fatigue 

  • mental dullness and emotional emptiness, having a calming effect on the nervous system as a whole. 

Remember that AR is photosensitive, so avoid direct sunlight after applying to skin


Warning, this oil if very thick and may not easily dispense from the dropper bottle. Try warming with your hands first

Copaiba Essential Oil Benefits:

  • helps heal wounds, prevent fungal infections, alleviate swelling, and relieves pain.

  • intake aids in treating digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems-related problems.

  • reduces blemishes and dark spots and brightens skin tone.

  • useful in conditions of stomach ulcers, tetanus, herpes, and hemorrhages.

  • topical application alleviates insect bites, sores, psoriasis, chilblains, and eczema.

  • relaxes the nervous system and reduces stress.

  • applied to wounds, scars, or cuts to heal them quickly

  • diffused to fill the surroundings with its exotic aroma

  • added to massage blends for relieving inflammation and pain

  • applying a few drops of copaiba oil to the lower regions of the abdomen before bed, you can prevent incontinence

  • has antibacterial effects used against a species of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureas and several other strains

Copaiba oil pairs well with 
Rosewood, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Frangipani, Mimosa, Cardamom, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Ravensara and Melissa Leaf essential Oils

Cypress Essential is beneficial for :

* Promotes healthy circulation 
* Eases muscle spasms 
* Helps open airways 
* Reduces the presence of bacteria 
* Astringent
* Excessive Perspiration
* Hemorrhoids
* Menorrhagia
* Oily Skin
* Rheumatism
* Varicose Veins
* As a diuretic, helps the body flush out & increases sweat and perspiration
* Calms feelings of overwhelm >>>>>

Cypress essential oil has also been used in dermatology to address acne, blocked pores, bromodosis, cellulite, cellulitis, deodorant, hyperhidrosis, oily conditions, rashes, and rosacea. It is commonly used as a treatment for acne and frequently found in homemade face cleansing solutions.


  • used to ease coughs, colds and influenza. 

  • has immune boosting aspects.
    blended in a carrier oil and massaged on to the chest. 

  • used to help boost circulation 

  • used to ease unwanted muscle spasms. It may help to reduce minor pain and inflammation (analgesic). 

  • known for reducing the presence of unwelcome bacteria or fungal growth (anti-bacterial). 

  • antispasmodic abilities of MS work in the digestive system, helping to calm down the muscles in the abdominal region and preventing the development of gas. When the spasms in the digestive system are calmed, other problems are alleviated as well, such as stomachaches, nausea, and vomiting.

  • emotionally and energetically, Spanish Marjoram is grounding and calming

  • used it for its soothing effect help to lessen nervousness and relieves anxiousness. It has also been used to promote restful sleep, and helping with insomnia.

  • improves cognitive abilities, keep your mind sharp with Marjoram Spanish EO


  • Wintergreen essential oil has been used extensively for all pains linked to intense physical effort.

  • helps to fight against muscular rheumatism (stretching, cramps, contractures, aches, torticollis, lumbago), joint rheumatism (gout attacks, inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis) & traumatic contusions (sprains, tendonitis, muscle strain).⁣ It has been an ally of athletes, & is a common ingredient in rubs used by masseurs and physiotherapists. ⁣

  • one of the best sources of this inflammation-fighting methyl salicylate in the world and believed to be one of only several plants that naturally supply enough to form an extract. Birch essential oil also contains methyl salicylate.⁣

  • useful in treating eczema and keloid scars

  • PMS symptoms, 

  • respiratory issues 
    Folks have r

  • Anti-bacterial properties, run through the dishwasher, laundry machine or scrubbed some into showers & toilet bowls to kill odor-causing bacteria and molds that can linger.⁣

Records show that Indigenous Native Americans used wintergreen leaves to increase stamina, alertness & endurance during exercise to extend respiratory capacity & treat pain, mucus buildup or inflammation. Try inhaling wintergreen and peppermint oil before workouts to increase concentration and wakefulness, not recommended for children! ⁣
It can be used Wintergreen Essential oil as an appetite suppressant. The taste & smell of mint can help reduce cravings, signifying satiety. Afternoon cravings try diffusing or inhaling wintergreen?⁣

Contraindications and Warnings

Be aware that there are essential oils that are contraindicated for pregnancy, children and ingestion and always know which oils are best used with a carrier oil! Plus carrier oils just help your essential oils go further! ⁣

Suggested measures for its safe usage,

  • Take a skin test before use in an extensive area.

  • Do not ingest the oil without the guidelines of a healthcare expert

  • Dilution with other oils or carrier oil is recommended

 The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained within this email is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this email with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your health practitioner.

Price point of these Essential Oils are not the only bonus

LiveGOODKaren SmithComment

Live Good's 6 pack of 15ml Essential Oils is only 49.95 USD and that is such an incredibly massive savings from other popular companies.

$209.00 or $252.00 compared to the popular name brands out on the market!

WOW, 6 incredibly helpful essential oils with abundant uses well within people's wellness budget

Live Good's Essential Oils are also 

  • Therapeutic Grade

  • 3rd Party tested 

  • 100% pure, no additives!

  • And you can get home delivery! 


Peppermint is a very popular EO and has so so many uses and benefits.

  • Stomach Upset 1 or 2 drops in carrier oil, in the belly button, or just rub all over your tummy!

  • Headaches, a drop or 2 in a carrier oi and rub on temples, back of nec, But warning, Wash it off before touching sensitive areas and eyes, of course. 

  • Expanding your lung capacity, breathe in a drop from your hands, or straight from the bottle, Rub a drop in a carrier oil under your nose, or 1 and only 1 drop in a glass of water! Great for athletes, but not for children. This will also also great for the tummy upset!

  • Great as a chest rub!

  • Pain and joint stiffness, 2 or 3 drops in a carrier ojl and rub into sore areas, but not mucous membranes

  • Motion Sickness, a couple of drops in Carrier Oil and rub onto wrists or the tummy area.

  • Add it to homemade cleaning sprays for a fresh scent

  • Keep away, spiders, mice, and ants, add to cotton balls and place where they are coming in. 

  • Stimulates hair growth

Lemon Essential Oil

  • Diffuse for a fresh uplifting aroma throughout your home, bedroom or office if there are no scent bans.

  • Outstanding for removing goo, stuck on stickers, etc

  • Gum Remover in the hair

  • Cleaning power throughout the home,

  • Laundry booster and Fabric softener, a few drops on wool dryer balls, or an old washcloth, I liked using those baby wash clothes.

  • Lemon EO, baking soda to clean silver jewelry

Frankincense, the king of oils

  • Pain and stiffness, as it is anti-inflammatory

  • Helps to reduce scarring, age spots, bruising, and stretch marks

  • Helps to remove skin tags, moles and warts

  • Helps to heal burns, rashes, cuts, sores, & scrapes

  • Helps with itchiness,

  • Helps with neural and brain inflammation

Tea Tree

  • Promotes healthy hair and scalp

  • Soothes Inflammation

  • Helps with acne prone skin

  • Great for oral health, clean your retainer, toothbrush

  • Repels Insects

  • Soothes insect bites

  • Helps wound healing for cuts and scraps

  • Antifungal, helps with nail fungus, 

  • Antiseptic helps with cold sores

  • Helps with Lice Infestation

Lavendar Essential Oil 

  • Wound Healing

  • Burns

  • Skin Health, helps the skin glow

  • Lavendar for sedative properties

  • Relaxation

  • Help with Sleep

  • Soothes Insect Bites

  • Anti-stress properties

  • Diffuse in the home for a beautiful scent

  • Add to Cleaning products, dryer balls

Immunity Blend 

  • Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllus Flower Oil): Known for its warm and spicy aroma, Clove Bud essential oil contributes to the overall richness of our blend.

  • Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Bark Oil): With its sweet and comforting scent, Cinnamon Bark essential oil adds a touch of warmth to promote a cozy atmosphere.

  • Wild Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis Peel Oil): Offering a burst of citrusy freshness, Wild Orange essential oil uplifts and energizes the blend.

  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Oil): With its invigorating and clarifying properties, Eucalyptus essential oil supports respiratory health.

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Leaf Oil): Contributing a herbal and woody note, Rosemary essential oil adds a balancing touch to the overall composition.


  • Diffuse in the home or office for Immune support, or add a few drops to a carrier oil and apply to chest, temples wrists or bottom of the feet!

  • Apply topically for a comforting and revitalizing massage.

  • Skin care for a soothing experience when added to your carrier oil

Carrier Oils help safely dilute and apply essential oils. There are many possibilities, but just like your Essential Oils, you als want  your carrier oils to also be pure. Be careful oj diluted or knock offs. They are many to choose from such as, Coconut, Jojoba, Almond, Apricot, Avocado, Olive, Rosehip, Argan, Grapeseed.


Remember when using Essential Oils, less is better than more. One can develop a sensitivity to them if overused. Also beware of contraindications for children, pregnant women, and pets. Some Essential Oils are also sun photosensitive, so be aware when going outside. 


You can order this kit of Essential Oils, one of 3 ways!

You can order retail here,

Or you can become a member and save on them as well as the array of excellent nutraceuticals that Live Good also has done an amazing job of keeping them affordable! 

Do you want to earn extra moola? Ooh, Lala! Its easy, sign up to become an Affiliate. Now you not only save but earn extra income to pay off your Live Good  order, or earn big, to help your family with residual income to travel, pay off debts, pay for children's extra curricular activities. The ways to earn is wide across and 10 deep! 

The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained within this blog is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this email with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your health practitioner.

A Great Find, Live GOOD!

Anxiety, Essential Oils, Nutrients, LiveGOODKaren SmithComment

Live GOOD!

My plan to continue to offer the highest quality nutraceutical products continues and now it has lead me to a new company, Live Good, an affordable option. Wait now, hear me out! 

Just before Christmas I had a great opportunity to have an OSTTC student have a placement with me. She was very helpful and she spent her time going through all my shelves to find expired products. You may want to ask, why I did not do it earlier? Many times I have, but it is always a very depressing chore for me to see the number of quality supplements, super foods or organic products that have expired and it basically represents a loss of revenue for me. I offer great discounts and have learned to limit my stock, but still when the products don't sell, it is a huge loss. I have also reduced soon-to-expire supplements as well, with no success in moving them. This happens frequently.

When my student was finished, the number of products expired was still a shock to me. We had to free up another whole shelf just for more expired products. Though these products do not suddenly turn bad or impotent or less effective over night, I guess people are still weary of purchasing them even though greatly discounted. I have given and am currently giving many high quality products away with a purchase. This at least helps to ease the painful thought of just dumping oodles of supplements out. I have had to do it a few times, however.

So again I would like to thank the loyal customers coming in frequently to shop at the local rez natural health store, My passion is offering quality nutraceuticals, tips and services to help in our community's wellness. I firmly believe in what I am doing and I am always searching for other ways to meet the need and educate.

So know that I am still trying and I am still keeping the store doors open. I know that I offer a great number of very high quality supplements that have incredible results in helping to heal our bodies from what could be some very life altering issues. 

So enter Live Good, I was actually introduced to this company back in the spring time, I gave it a quick look and again was hesitant because of it being an MLM company. Now that I gave it a more thorough look, right down to their policies and taste testing their products (and every one tasted awesome). I am so excited to offer this as an alternative to those who would sooner have home delivery, plus affordable wellness products. 


that is not the only bonus. Unlike other companies, there are NO QUOTAS, there are NO REQUIREMENTS to order every month or a certain amount each month. You do not have to join, you can certainly just order retail whenever you want. Even if you do join, via a $9.95 USD/month membership you still Do NOT have to order every month. HOW ABOUT THAT, ORDER WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT? 

It's just the cat's meow, LIVE GOOD brings you the most advanced nutritional supplements on the market, made with only the purest, highest quality, results-driven ingredients on the planet, without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies. They are so affordable, perfect for your family budget and their wellness! 


So if you want to shop and save, join the membership, you have a choice to pay monthly or pay yearly (saving 20%) CLICK the link above. Some prices to give you an idea, Men's or Women's multi, $9.95 for high quality, at the optimal dosages. What about a really great tasting Greens Powder, at only $18.00, An ORGANIC Super Greens that Helps improve digestion, support immunity, boost energy and feel more vibrant with just one delicious scoop each day! I sell a Greens line in the store, and my wholesale cost that I pay is way more than that.

Too early to commit to a membership, then order Retail and still look at the low prices for the same amazing products. $14.95 for the Multi's, $24,00 for the Organic Super Greens. Just take a look, there is a so much more to choose from with great benefits!

But wait, who does not need extra cash in today's ever expensive world? If you are ready to make some extra cash, if even to pay for your own supplements then check out the opportunity to become a Live Good Affiliate for only $40 USD fee! The ways to earn money is 10 deep and as far wide as you can see! When I started my brick and mortar store, there was way more overhead than that! There were the Renos, not only financial, but a lot of elbow grease and time went in to that to get the store ready. There is the purchasing of the shelving, coolers, price tags, bags, advertising, the products (that have an expiry date that is really a best before date) and much more. So $40.00 USD a month is a great start up cost and you do not have to deal with excessive overhead costs. Does your netflix, or amazon membership pay you back?? 

Come in and shop in the store, for my January clearance sales, 15%, 30% or 50% off. 

I still am offering my services such at Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, and Live Blood Cell Analysis for some deeper health issues so remember you can book those here

The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained within this email is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this email with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your health practitioner.

Calcium too little or too much, both can create health issues!

HTMAKaren SmithComment

Calcium too little or too much, both can create health issues!

An HTMA can assess, along with other minerals that need to be in balance

And Guess what?  Until January 31, 2024 , I will be offering a one time $100.00 discount if prebooked and prepaid . The appointments can be booked up until Feb 16th, 2024!


Some Important functions of Calcium

Calcium is found in every cell throughout the body yet over ninety percent of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth providing structual support. 

It is also found in the brain, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, skin and spleen,

Osseous tissues provide a reservoir for calcium, which can be withdrawn as required in order to maintain extra-skeletal functions such as acid-alkaline balance.

Calcium is essential for cardiac muscle contractility.

Insulin release is dependent upon adequate calcium being available. 

Other facts about Calcium 

  • Calcium is a very emotional mineral, which could stem from trauma

  • Regulates cell permeability

  • Important for blood clotting

  • Maintains pH balance

  • Supports fat digestion

  • Inhibits the uptake of thyroxine (thyroid hormone)

  • An imbalance relative to its synergistic and
    antagonistic nutrients can be a major contributor to osteoporosis

  • Increased calcium excretion can be caused by over-activity of both the thyroid and adrenal cortical glands

  • Many medications interfere with calcium absorption. Some of the most common include anti-convulsants and antacids containing aluminum hydroxide bind calcium in the intestine and have also been documented to contribute to osteomalacia (weakens bones and can cause them to break more easily)

  • Some psychological qualities associated with calcium are stability, hardness and rigidity.

  • Without enough bioavailable calcium someone may experience hypersensitivity and nervousness (ie: anxiety)

Hypocalcemia is a relatively rare clinical problem. 

The nervous system can become hyper-irritable with the effects of low serum calcium.

Hypocalcemia can eventually lead to sensory disturbances, tetany, and myocardial dysfunction. Tetany consists of muscular cramps, laryngeal stridor, seizures, and, if severe, death due to respiratory failure. 

Calcium deficiency has been associated with conditions not necessarily related to hypocalcemia. These include:

  • Allergies (histamine)

  • Adrenal hyperactivity

  • Hypertension

  • Hyperkinesis

  • Anxiety

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Insomnia (type I)

  • Osteomalacia

  • Sympathetic dominance 

  • Rh. arthritis

  • Potential lead and cadmium toxicity

  • Osteoporosis 

Hypercalcemia is an elevation of serum calcium above 10.5 mg.%. Primary hyper-parathyroidism and malignancies are major causes of hypercalcemia. There are other causes of hypecalcemia as well.

Conditions associated with hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism include:

  • Excessive thirst

  • Dryness of mouth and throat

  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)

  • Muscle aches

  • Recent memory loss

  • Calcific tendinitis

  • Chondrocalcinosis, (calcium pyrophosphate crystals build up in the joints)

  • Depression

  • Hearing difficulties

  • Fatigue

  • Joint stiffness/Weakness

  • Restless leg syndrome

  • Constipation

  • Dyspepsia (a stomach condition that causes pain, burning, bloating, nausea, and gas)

  • Conjunctivitis (pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva)

In the U.S., studies have shown a distinguishing difference in the

consumption of calcium among hypertensive and normotensive individuals. Hypertensive persons were found to consume 18% less calcium than normotensive persons.

Calcium supplementation is generally accepted as a course of therapy for this condition. However, studies have shown that calcium supplementation alone over extended periods has resulted in decreased calcium retention. 

Supplementing Vitamin D and calcium supplementation, also will:

Intensify stress
Decrease potassium
Trigger magnesium deficiency

Calcium is best evaluated in relationship to its other cofactors. When the synergistic and antagonistic nutrients relative to calcium are taken into consideration, it is more beneficial with nutritional protocols, particularly with osteoporosis.

And to think, assessing calcium status is only one nugget of the vast information gained from doing an HTMA. 

HTMA is also beneficial for so many other issues but not limited to ADD/ADHD, Addictions, Anxiety and Panic, Brain fog, Cognitive Issues, Constipation, Digestive, Diarrhea, Hormone Imbalances,Joint Pain and Stiffness, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Thyroid Issues, Weight Gain. It is also great for Anti-aging, Recovery. Allergies. Blood Sugar Issues, Cardiac Health, Asthma, Neuromuscular Diseases, Skin Conditions, Infertility, Menopause. 

Getting an HTMA, can absolutely points the way to interventions to change the course of your health and bring these ratios into more ideal readings. When you do, your symptoms will decrease and you will notice the difference!

Remember to pre-book and pre-pay for your HTMA by Jan 31, 2024 to receive a one time $100 discount, It must be booked for the end of January, 2024. Book your HTMA on my website. The link below gives more details about the HTMA and you have to scroll to the bottom to find the blue Book Now button. There are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA on my website as well. Gift one to a family member or friend. There is no greater gift, than a gift of health! I will have Gift Certificates available. 

Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!

Much of this information is cited from:

The Nutritional Relationships of Calcium, from the TEI

The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained within this email is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this email with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your health practitioner.

Chronically Fatigued? HTMA Coupons & Gift Certificates

HTMAKaren SmithComment

Chronically Fatigued? HTMA Coupons & Gift Certificates

No Mojo

Are you Chronically Fatigued, just can't muster up the energy to do what you feel you need to accomplish? Well a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can certainly pinpoint some deficiencies that may be at play in your lack of mojo! And Guess what?  Until December 8th, I will be offering a one time $85 discount if prebooked and prepaid by Dec 8th, 2023

You can throw coffee or other energy enhancing drinks at your low energy level, but that is not getting at the root of your issue. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, is a functional lab test measuring the overall mineral and metal content that has been excreted into the hair over the past 3 or 4 months. It is a remarkably accurate measurement tool to learn about nutritional and mineral deficiencies in the body. It also provides different mineral ratios that are also very important considerations for proper mineral balancing.  

The Trace Elements is one of the most credible companies that have being doing HTMA for years. Since 1984, Trace Elements has been serving thousands of health professionals of all specialties in over 46 countries, including exclusive franchise agreements in 26 countries to do Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

When they looked at over 4000 HTMA results, it revealed that over 80% of these samples submitted to TEI and who also identified as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were found to be parasympathetic types.

What is a parasympathetic type? It has to do with the ratio of Calcium to Phosphorus, so if this ratio Ca/P is > 2.80, that is considered to be a Parasympathetic Dominant pattern. Typically this person will report being in an exhausted state, especially if the ratio is extremely high, may have a pear-shaped body structure and will also most likely have an elevated Ca/K ratio but also a low Na/Mg ratio. All minerals must be considered in relation to one another.

Also over 75% of the affected individuals diagnosed with CFS were females in this sample.

CFS may also be linked to any number of viruses other than the XMRA, as CFS symptoms often follow a viral episode such as the flu or mono and is frequently called the post viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS). Who knew? 

Research that ties CFS to post viral episodes.

Symptoms can range from chronic unrelenting fatigue with associated symptoms including depression, and sleep disorders, to muscle and joint pain with an increased cellular immune activation. Since excess tissue Calcium is known to activate dormant viruses, and virus infection increases tissue calcium retention, it is not unusual for patients with CFS to have high tissue calcium along with elevated Calcium/Phosphorus and Calcium/Magnesium ratios. 

Since Calcium is a sedative mineral the overall metabolic pattern would also predispose patients toward adrenal and thyroid insufficiency, which also happens to contribute to chronic fatigue. HTMA can also assess adrenal and thyroid health.

Interestingly, Trace Elements also found that individuals with fibromyalgia have very similar metabolic and HTMA mineral pattern characteristics. Often CFS patients will develop fibromyalgia and their HTMA patterns also reveal elevated calcium levels.

So now, since CFS is said to be related to viruses, are your wondering if Long Covid could have a similar HTMA results?

Many individuals who have had COVID-19 developed long-Covid which includes a collection of symptoms that can last months and possibly years following infection. Some symptoms include mild to extreme fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance, brain fog or inability to concentrate, skin conditions, hair loss, paresthesia, headaches, joint pains, change in taste and smell, dizziness when standing, and menstrual irregularities in females. This is not a complete list of symptoms, but a short list of the most common symptoms that are independent of age, sex, or race.

However, some studies have reported that women may be more susceptible. It is estimated that twenty-million people in the U.S. and over half of those who were diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide, are experiencing long-COVID symptoms and there is currently no treatment or tests that can diagnose it. 

However, an HTMA can assess these mineral deficiencies and identify common patterns with CFS and with the right nutritional protocols can help assist a person to regain their optimal function back then it may also help those also with Long Covid. Also one does not have to have these diagnoses to be experiencing extreme fatigue and other similar symptoms to benefit from an HTMA. It can be nipped in the bud before one gets to a point of an actual diagnosis. Also getting a medical diagnosis may be difficult to obtain. However your hair tells all! 

HTMA data indicates that individuals may have mineral patterns that reflect past and on-going viral conditions as well as long-term post-viral impacts, such as post-viral fatigue syndromes. These mineral patterns may provide targeted nutritional therapeutics for those individuals affected.

HTMA is also beneficial for so many other issues but not limited to ADD/ADHD, Addictions, Anxiety and Panic, Brain fog, Cognitive Issues, Constipation, Digestive, Diarrhea, Hormone Imbalances, Joint Pain and Stiffness, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Thyroid Issues, Weight Gain. It is also great for Anti-aging, Recovery. Allergies, Blood Sugar Issues, Cardiac Health, Asthma, Neuromuscular Diseases, Skin Conditions, Infertility, and Menopause. 

Getting an HTMA, can absolutely point the way to interventions to change the course of your health and bring these ratios into more ideal readings. When you do, your symptoms will decrease and you will notice the difference!

Remember to pre-book and pre-pay for your HTMA by December 8, 2023 to receive a one time $85 discount, It must be booked for the end of December. Book your HTMA on my website. The link below gives more detail about the HTMA and you have to scroll to the bottom to find the blue Book Now button. There are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA on my website as well. Gift one to a family member or friend. There is no greater gift, than a gift of health! I will have Gift Certificates available. 

Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!

Much of this information is cited from TEI newsletter articles:



The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained within this email is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this blog with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your health practitioner.

Acid Reflux, Heartburn, GERD, so not fun

Alternative Medicine, Digestive Issues, Digestive Tract, HTMA, NutrientsKaren SmithComment

… and what to do about it.

Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning feeling in your chest (behind your breastbone. It occurs when stomach acid travels back up your esophagus — the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach that can move up your neck and throat) This can be a symptom of many different conditions, including acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but also happens in pregnancy. When you are experiencing heartburn, you may also have a bitter or sour taste in the back of your throat.

Night time Heartburn and GERD can lead to damage of the esophagus. Both occurring long term may spark respiratory complications. The burning sensation usually occurs shortly after eating and can last from a few minutes to several hours.

It is also important to seek medical attention for unusual or severe chest symptoms that indicate a heart attack rather than acid reflux.

Acid Reflux or GERD left untreated can also lead to Chronic coughing. This happens when stomach acid refluxes (backs up) into the esophagus and gets aspirated.

GERD can affect asthma as the aspiration occurs, it can make its way to the lungs making breathing more difficult.

Nighttime heartburn can impact your quality of sleep and this can affect quality of life and other health aspects. An important tip is to elevate your your head and shoulders 6 to 8 inches higher either using bed risers (like little stilts for the feet of the head of the bed) or a foam or wedge pillow to sleep on more upright.

There is also “silent acid reflux,” or LPR laryngopharyngeal reflux which mainly affects the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (throat). It can be difficult to diagnose but can also cause coughing, breathing problems, sore throat, and postnasal drip. It is referred to as silent because it is without the tell-tale burning sensation in the chest. The most common cause of chronic throat clearing, too much mucus and post-nasal drip is actually acid reflux. Post-nasal drip does not cause chronic cough, but reflux can cause both the drip and the cough. 

Many patients undergo unnecessary tests and procedures for these problems unnecessarily because doctors don’t understand respiratory reflux very well. The consistency of reflux-caused mucus is thicker than that of allergy, and for the sufferer, the mucus is sticky and hard to move, especially when it gets on the vocal cords. On examination by a physician, reflux-mucus is thick, white, and widely dispersed in the nose and throat, especially on the back wall of the pharynx (the throat). If your post-nasal drip has been bad enough, you may have been recommended surgery. Unfortunately, it’s often done unnecessarily. A lot of sinus and nasal surgery is unnecessary surgery because that drip is a reaction to reflux, not a problem in itself. Fix the reflux and you fix the post-nasal drip, mucus and sinus problems. Dr Jamie Koufman

PPI’s usually the wrong Treatment

So what mainstream treatment usually entails it to be put on PPI’s Proton Pump Inhibitors. This is done, often times with the misdiagnosis of having too much stomach acid. Stomach acid is Hydrochloric Acid and it needs to be at a certain Ph in order to properly digest your food.

So instead of having too much stomach acid, an individual may not have enough. What this does, is allow the undigested food or chyme to sit in the stomach too long and allowed to ferment. The correct Ph of the chyme is also a regulating factor of the lower pyloric sphincter which allows it to open to allow partially digested food to pass from the stomach into the duodenum. If it is not getting the signal with the correct Ph then again the food is allowed to remain in the stomach too long and then finds its way back up past the esophageal sphincter. Factors that affect our stomach acid production are age, chronic stress, poor diet, eating too quickly, use of antibiotics, and food sensitivities.

PPI’s rank amongst the top of the most prescribed medications as Acid Reflux, GERD are so prevalent.  They typically end in the suffix “-prazole” (omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, etc. and have brand names like Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium. & Protonix. They come with a recommendation to be used for only up to 6 weeks, and yet people are prescribed it ongoing for many years.

They also comes with a list of problems. One that stands out is the reduction of stomach acid, so people are unable to properly digest their food to extract nutrients so it causes nutrient deficiencies (like vitamin B12, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and magnesium) which in turn lead to other health issues. Several recent studies show that PPI alters the gut microbiota by reducing its overall diversity which allow opportunistic pathogens, including Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and E. coli. These pathogens tend to be more prevalent in the guts of PPI users. Ugh!!!

Oh and remember the Ph of the stomach acid? Well it needs to be around 1-2. This has another purpose which is to destroy opportunistic bacteria. For instance, the oral bacteria, genus Rothia, is over-represented in the gut microbiota of PPI users. Those who used acid blockers also had an increased chance of acquiring Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, and community-acquired pneumonia than those using other medications.

And if this is not enough, there are indications that PPI’s can cause, brittle bones, cardiovascular issues, kidney and cognitive issues.

In the United States there are ongoing lawsuits with the pharmaceutical companies that make the PPI’s. In 2010 the FDA added the warning of the possible increased fracture risk. Beside the important nutrient deficiencies causing brittle bones, the Osteoclasts, (bone cells) responsible for the resorption of calcium, also possess proton pumps, and their activity is thought to be directly affected by PPIs.

PPI users have been shown to have a significantly greater risk of heart attack. 

A study published in 2016 compared patients using PPIs to patients using H2 blockers, another common antacid drug. They showed that over the course of five years, those in the PPI group were 28 percent more likely to develop chronic kidney disease and 96 percent more likely to develop end-stage renal disease, (
Proton pumps are also present in the intercalated cells of the kidney,  responsible for moving protons into the urine, creating a gradient that allows for bicarbonate reabsorption into the blood.

In fact the National Kidney Disease Association recommends the cessation of using PPI’s when a person has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Really, how about recommending the stopping of them before the Kidney Disease develops???

PPI users also have higher risks of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and general cognitive impairment compared to those not using these drugs.

Also, the American Journal of Gastroenterology recently reported that, depending on dose, the use of proton pump inhibitors could increase risk of contracting COVID-19.


Now if you are taking PPI’s it’s up to you and your Doctor that prescribed them to help you taper them down. That’s if your Doctor is aware that there is often a rebound effect when suddenly stop taking PPI’s. There are Doctors who will just say to try quitting and then when you do, and develop rebound symptoms, will say, “see you need to be back on the PPI’s” and prescribe them again.

However, there is a Facebook group of over 1.2k people in the group trying to taper their dosage down. It is called Proton Pump Inhibitors, Damage, Reversal & Recovery. There is oodles of individual testimonies and posts of what alternative strategies that have worked for them.


 Dietary recommendations:

  • Recognize your trigger foods and avoid them.

  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine and carbonated drinks.

  • Eliminated processed foods.

  • Eliminated artificially sweetened foods and drinks.

  • Probiotic Foods (sauerkraut, yogurt, (only if dairy is not a trigger food)

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Stop smoking, if you do

  • Reduce alcohol consumption, if you drink it.

  • Maintain a healthy weight, if an issue

  • Practice better portion control;

Eat and chew more slowly;

Avoid eating for 3 to 4 hours before bedtime


Probiotics and Prebiotics

Digestive Enzymes, or Bromelain, Papaya, Hydrochloric Acid,

There is something called the HCl challenge to help determine how much HCl would benefit you. There are also Bitters (herbs) to help digestion, and also a formula like Acidux by St Francis.

Chamomile Tea, Slippery Elm, Glutamine, Aloe Vera to help heal the mucosal lining.

Ginger, Fennel Tea, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), Apple Cider Vinegar capsules.

Melatonin at night, as it helps to increase the release of gastric bicarbonate (a mucous coating) and improve the activity of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Also worth mentioning is that H.Pylori can cause Acid Reflux. Mastic Gum is a great remedy to help. Many people report the prescription meds prescribed do not heal the H. Pylori. There are also Combination Formulas, like PyPlex, Ibergast and many others.

A new kid on the block and not readily available in Canada is D- Limonene. D-Limonene is a natural chemical that is found in several citrus oils. It is typically extracted from citrus fruit peels, either through cold pressing or steam distillation. I am looking at USA distributors who will ship to Canada to make it available in the store.

Also a valuable mention is getting the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis done.  The “Low Minerals” pattern on a hair test reveals a lot about digestion and assimilation. It indicates that minerals (the spark-plugs of energy production) are not getting into cells where they need to go. The HTMA will tell you exactly what minerals are needed to be topped up and also what heavy metals may also be impairing gut health & digestion capabilities.

So November 20-26 is National GERD Awareness Week, so this is right in line with the Black Friday special on HTMA at Life Sustainers.

Remember to pre-book and pre-pay for your HTMA by Nov 25th, 2022 to receive a Black Friday Special, for dates now until Dec 9th, 2022. Book your HTMA on my website. The link is below and there are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA. Gift one to a family member or friend. There is no greater gift, than a gift of health! 

Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!

Black Friday Special, The Blood Sugar Ratio on an HTMA

HTMAKaren SmithComment

Blood Sugar Ratio Ca/MG

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, is a functional lab test measuring the overall mineral and metal content that has been excreted into the hair over the past 3 or 4 months. It is a remarkably accurate measurement tool to learn about nutritional and mineral deficiencies in the body. It also provides different mineral ratios that are also very important considerations for proper mineral balancing.

The understanding of mineral ratios is more revealing than analyzing mineral levels alone. Ratios are reflective of disease trends, predictive of hidden or future metabolic dysfunctions. though are not diagnostic. To calculate a ratio value, the first mineral level is divided by the second mineral level. In this case Calcium is divided by the Magnesium level for the Blood Sugar ratio.

The optimal Blood Sugar ratio is 7.00
 with an Ideal range of 4.50–8.50.
 If the ratio is greater than (>)8.50 this is indicative of Hypoglycemia
 and associated with an increase in insulin. If it is less than <4.50, this indicative of Hyperglycemia
 and reflects the potential for low insulin levels and elevated adrenal cortical hormone production. In the above graph, this person's ratio is 11.39, yet this person has not been alerted to any issues with Blood Sugar concerns with normal blood lab work.

Having an HTMA can be an early indication of some blood sugar dysregulation when normal blood serum testing has not yet identified such an issue. The higher number will point to imbalanced glucose metabolism and magnesium deficiency which was also evident on this person's nutritional profile. If the person is chronically stressed, this will also allow Calcium to increase. If there is hidden Copper toxicity, this will also affect Calcium. Hidden Copper toxcity can also be detected with HTMA, but I will share that information another time.

Some of the symptoms associated with a high blood sugar ratio are muscle spasms, twitches, constipation and sugar cravings. This person also identified with some of these symptoms. So having a higher Blood Sugar ratio indicates a need to supplement with Magnesium, to reduce stress and/or to find outlets to help relieve the stress. However, if the ratio was low, then it would indicate that this person might be better supported with Calcium and it's helper Vitamin K2. Calcium aids in insulin release
 while Magnesium inhibits insulin release.

Other Nutrients Levels Identified on an HTMA that impact Insulin Production or lack of.

Chromium: It is well known that people with Diabetes tend to be low in Chromium. It is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) and chromium is involved as a cellular receptor for insulin. Therefore a deficiency of chromium can result in elevated glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.

Zinc: Zinc serum levels are low in many people with Diabetes. Zinc affects the antigenic properties of insulin and the binding of insulin to hepatocyte membranes. A Zinc deficiency can result in increased insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. Low levels of zinc is a factor in poor wound-healing. Zinc is required for insulin storage and also cellular binding. However, high concentrations can lead to a reduction in insulin release.

Manganese: A deficiency can impair glucose utilization. Intra-uterine deficiency produces islet cell atrophy. Hepatic manganese is elevated in some forms of diabetes.

Iron: Excess iron accumulates in the pancreas and can result in tissue injury. Plus iron excess relative to copper results in increased lipid peroxidation, which is chain of reactions of oxidative degradation of lipids. Free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes which result in cell damage.

Selenium: Insulin reserves are diminished with deficiency of selenium and can contribute to glucose intolerance. Selenium deficiency results in decreased glutathione peroxidase activity.

Copper: A Copper deficiency results in glucose intolerance decreased insulin response and increased glucose response. Copper is synergistic to calcium, which is why high tissue calcium is usually found with elevated tissue copper. Copper Toxicity is a build up of stored, bio-unavailable copper in excessive levels which can cause physical and mental dysfunction.

VItamin Deficiencies:

Besides the importance of balancing these minerals, it is also important to consider vitamins as they are co-factors to minerals and some deficiencies have also been correlated to Diabetic symptoms. Vitamin B1 deficiency may be related to the development of diabetic neuropathy. Low concentrations of Vitamin A aids in the stimulation of insulin release from the pancreas. also it can inhibit insulin release at high concentrations. People with Diabetes require higher Vitamin E and helps reduce oxidative stress and improve the action of insulin.

The Blood Sugar Ratio and other mineral levels on an Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis gives us a tremendous amount of information for mineral balancing, accompanying vitamin supplementation to more optimal nutritional interventions for the prevention of further or future blood sugar dysregulation. It can help with recommendations for dietary and lifestyle changes as well.

And to think this is just one ratio to consider! An HTMA is a wealth of preventative information in so many other areas.

Getting an HTMA, can absolutely points the way to interventions to change the course of your health and bring these ratios into more ideal readings. When you do, your symptoms will decrease and you will notice the difference!

Remember to pre-book and pre-pay for your HTMA by Nov 25th, 2022 to receive a Black Friday Special, for dates now until Dec 9th, 2022. Book your HTMA on my website. The link is below and there are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA. Gift one to a family member or friend. There is no greater gift, than a gift of health!

Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!

What are significant mineral ratios and what do they tell you

HTMAKaren SmithComment

Continuing with my own Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Significant Mineral Ratios


The mineral levels in your hair can provide insight into metabolism, cellular health, toxic heavy metal load, energy production, mineral deficiencies, mineral imbalances, nutritional status, and a variety of common health conditions. 


If the relationship between certain minerals in the body is disturbed, normal biological functions and metabolic activity can be unfavourably affected.


The understanding of mineral ratios is extremely exciting and much more revealing than analyzing mineral levels alone. Ratios are reflective of disease trends, though are not diagnostic, rather are research associations.

Ratios are frequently predictive of hidden or future metabolic dysfunctions.


The first ratio (Ca/P) on the chart is the Metabolic Ratio.  As this ratio rises, it is reflective of an exhausted body.  As this pattern worsens, it will affect thyroid and adrenal activity. A couple of symptoms that I also have are strong cravings for sweets or starches and low energy! Mine is not super high, but certainly something to be mindful of.


The next ratio, is Na/k and very importantly is called the STRESS ratio. Mine, being above 6 is considered an acute alarm stage of STRESS! This ratio will also mean that a person is burning up their Magnesium stores and that also registered on my HTMA.


The Ca/K ratio is called the Thyroid ratio, and mine registered extremely high! Yikes! SOME symptoms of an elevation in this ratio can be cold hands and feet, fatigue, chronic stress, low blood pressure. Yes those are some of my issues!  Also it is important to note this is where HTMA, rather than blood work can be more predictive of things to come. HTMA is looking at a deeper cellular level, so having this show up, is an extreme warning to support the thyroid. Incidentally my mother was on Synthroid and I didn’t know or for how long. I only came to know when I started to help take care of her. She also had 2 autoimmune diseases.


The (Na/Mg) Ratio is reflective of adrenal function! Another yikes, as mine is registering pretty darn sluggish! Symptoms that I have that align with this reading are extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, sweet cravings, salty cravings, and brain fog!


There is also a blood sugar ratio, which is Ca/Mg. Mine is veering to slightly elevated, which signifies insulin dysregulation.


The above associations are only glimpses of what an HTMA can reveal, and there is so much more to tell with these ratios.


What is great about doing the HTMA, is that it points the way to interventions to change the course of your health and bring these ratios into more ideal readings. When you do, your symptoms will decrease and you will notice the difference!


You can book your HTMA with me using the link is below and there are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA on the linked page. Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!


I couldn't believe the minerals deficiencies that I have

Karen SmithComment

Starting first with my own Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

As with most learning pursuits, many people start with themselves as the initial test subjects and so it is with my new learning in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

And since we are talking about hair, first a little disclosure. If you have been into the store, you may have seen some of my wild hair days. I decided to grow it out.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Most of my adult years I had long hair, and when my mother was sick and it became necessary for me to help her with personal care, she thought her hair might be easier to manage, if it was short. So, she decided to cut her hair. Well, I decided to cut mine along with her. Very recently I found some of her beaded barrettes, that she had given me and thought it would be nice to wear those again. So now that I am trying to grow my hair long, it gets pretty unmanageable. In the meantime, I wear the headbands to tame it and keep it out of my face. I don't know how long it will last, sometimes after awhile you think that it's not such a great idea after all! Right now, I can put it in a tiny pony!

Anyway back to the HTMA, when my instructor for the course mentioned that when people are under stress, people burn up Magnesium, so I was thinking that will likely be an issue for me. And though I supplemented with Magnesium in the past, and I do recommend it to many many customers, I was not currently. I had been concentrating on supplements to keep my immune system in check. So the deficiency in my Magnesium levels was no surprise to me.

And given that it is called the Lamp of Life, I surely started supplementing with Magnesium, and I am mindful of what I eat.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency can include tight muscles, twitching, Alcoholism, and Addictions, Unstable Blood Sugar, Constipation, High Blood Pressure. Anxiety and Depression. Also low Magnesium can lead to cardiac issues, (like a heart attack)

Magnesium deficiency and stress become a dangerous vicious cycle. When a person is magnesium deficient, they are more susceptible to STRESS OVERWHELM.

The big surprise in my HTMA was that I was pretty deficient in Sodium and Potassium. Sodium is regulated primarily by the adrenals, and is an electrical conductor. It helps in the production of stomach acid. It regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure. Symptoms of Sodium Deficiency, are exhaustion, fatigue, low HCl, Low Blood Pressure, and headaches. Sodium will also rise during stress, if there is sufficient Adrenal strength. I guess that's not me! Again there is another vicious cycle with stress and Sodium. Low sodium affects the function of the adrenals, a continuing low sodium continues along with the weak adrenals, exhaustion sets in and drives down the adrenal response further!!

Potassium is necessary for nerve conduction, carbohydrate metabolism, muscle contraction and relaxation. The ideal is 10mg% and I had 1 mg%. I also find that odd, because I do love a lot of potassium rich foods. Symptoms of Potassium deficiency include Heart palpitations, constipation, numbness or tingling, muscle spasms and/or weakness, allergies, and low blood sugar, water retention.

Also on my HTMA, I did register a low Iron level, however there are other factors to consider with this and will be confirming with a Blood Iron serum.

I also have Boron deficiency, such that it didn't even register on the HTMA. Boron is needed in trace amounts but those trace amounts are pretty tootin' important. Boron also affects the adrenal glands, the stomach, and bone health. It also affects the hormonal balance of, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Boron is also needed for the synthesis of Vitamin D and is a helper to Magnesium absorption.

A trace mineral that gets a bad rap but also very important is Lithium which my HTMA registered as a deficiency! It gets a bad rap because it is given in Mental Health Disorders, but the dosage is so much greater that apparently these high doses can cause a host of serious side effects. So please be aware if you have a Lithium deficiency, there is also a very safe homeopathic Lithium available in Canada, and doses of the Lithium recommended are so much less that someone who is taking Lithium for Bipolar Disorder. This trace mineral is the “relaxing” mineral, protects the brain from oxidants and other types of damage. It is very important for supporting detox pathways. Of important note is that appears to protect against the effects of ischemic strokes and may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s, other dementias and Parkinson’s • Lithium may help to generate new brain cells by enhancing DNA replication in the brain. Together with Boron, Lithium is considered to be the new anti-aging minerals! A deficiency in Lithium may also lead to depression and/or aggressiveness.

So this is just a slice of the valuable information of my nutrient status gained from doing the HTMA.

I have not even touched on other information that an HTMA reveals, like Heavy Metal Toxicity, Copper Toxicity, and the ratios of mineral and what all that means.

If you are experiencing some health issues, or would love to have optimal nutritional support and vitality, you may benefit from having an HTMA done. It takes the guesswork on what supplements and nourishment will be the most beneficial for you.

If you would like to book your HTMA and receive an introductory savings deal, book your HTMA on my website. The link is below and there are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!

Sweet Christmas Ideas and Coupon

Essential Oils, Life Sustainers products, Stress, EarthlyFriendly, EcoideasKaren SmithComment
Organic Essential Oils and DIffusers

Essential Oils are always great stocking stuffers. Whether it is to introduce someone to aromatherapy, there’s or to add to their collection.

These three essential oils can be used for diffusion, massage therapy, as well as for their therapeutic properties. Not sure which one to choose? Lavender, Sweet Orange, Eucalyptus, are quite popular. Or try the blends of Prana Breathe, Anti-Stress or Zen Medication.

ZEN MEDITATION essential oil complex tailor made for meditation, with Sweet Orange, Black Spruce, Cedar and Somali Frankincense. Zen’s mild, sweet and mildly woody fragrance is ideal for calming the mind and promoting relaxation. Known for its spiritual characteristics, this incense has long been used in sacred rituals and practices. With its combination of fresh and invigorating conifer and orange essences, Zen sets the stage for deep meditation and inner peace.

BREATHE PRANA SYNERGY ORGANIC - Prana is an essential oil complex that helps combat winter ailments. Eucalyptus Radiata, Niaouli and Cineol Rosemary are invaluable herbs once winter rolls around and help fight respiratory tract infections. The freshness of Peppermint, Fir Balsam and Ravintsara, along with the rich fragrance of Palmarosa, gives Prana its fresh, pleasant, minty scent.

The Breathe Prana essential oils blend is used in aromatherapy to help relieve colds and cough.

Add a few drops in a diffuser, in a bath by diluting them with any unscented or lightly scented foaming product (shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath…) or with EMULSIUM, our emulsifier which is a dispersant for essential oils in water (perfect for bath, DIY body mists and room sprays). It can also be used for massage therapy by diluting with one of our carrier & beauty oil.

ANTI-STRESS - Anti-Stress combines our most relaxing and calming essential oils to alleviate nervousness and mild anxiety. Sweet Orange, Lavandin Super and Red Mandarin relax and calm the body to promote rest and sleep. The fresh scent of Lemon and Exotic Verbena combines with the rustic fragrance of Spanish Marjoran to provide the perfect finishing touch to a relaxing complex that restores your equilibrium when life is spinning out of control. Used during a massage, in the bath or inhaled, Anti-Stress is the perfect antidote to life’s daily stresses.

The Anti-Stress essential oils synergy is used in aromatherapy to help calm the nerves.

Warning: Never add essential oils directly into your bath water, they are not water soluble as the drops will just float on top of water, creating a surface layer of oil which may cause skin irritation. Remember to use essential oils sparingly as they are very powerful.

LE COMPTOIRE DIFFUSERS - creates eco-friendly collection of diffusers made of respectful and recyclable materials: bamboo, wood, glass, ceramic, recycled bamboo fiber, recycled plastic. They prioritize simple packagings. They limit most as much as possible the use of plastic in packaging. They reuse boxes of their suppliers to reduce waste and over-consumption.

SEQUOIA SOAPS - the soaps are carefully handmade with Organic Shea Butter and Organic Castor Oils, along with other skin nourishing oils such as olive oil, coconut oil and canola oil. Each bar is a work of art with swirling colors and exclusive scent mixes. Some may contain herbs which they’ve picked ourselves. Gorgeous and a variety of fragrances make these bars a perfect gift!

My favourite Sequoia mist is Blackberry Sage - Two ingredients that are widely used in herbal medicines, Blackberry Sage Mist combines the sweet and tart scent of blackberries and herbal tones of sage.

• water based formula
• no perfume base
• 95% natural ingredients

A very popular Oil is their Sweetgrass OIl, and also comes with in the lotion and mist. I currently have some of the 2.5 oz mists, so shop early as they are sold out on their website.

Sequoia Soaps

For the Kiddos, don’t forgetl the Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty and the amazing and fun Waboba balls for stocking stuffers

These gift ideas will be 15% off with the following coupon

Children's  Stocking Stuffers

Coupon, please clip and present at time of purchase or display on your phone.


What is Hypochlorous Acid?

Force of NatureKaren SmithComment

Force of Nature

Why Invest in a Berkey

Karen SmithComment

Such a Necessity in Todays Uncertain Water Situation

Vitamin C

Nutrients, Traditional Medicine, Alternative MedicineKaren SmithComment

Vitamin C is a water soluble Vitamin and it is is essential, meaning the human body does not produce it. We have to get it from foods that we eat. Great sources are Papaya, Pineapple, Oranges, Strawberries, Acerola Cherries, Rosehips, Cantaloupe, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts. Kale, Kiwi, Sweet Yellow Peppers, Thyme and others.

Anti-oxidants help the immune system and they help the body deactivate free radicals in your body that can cause oxidative stress.

Vitamin C is also anti-inflammatory and that action is what seems to be helping people who have been giving high doses of IV Vitamin C with COVID-19. Intravenous Vitamin C is the most effective form of Vitamin C delivery and has been a therapeutic mode of delivering Vitamin C. It can only be done by Medical Doctors and Naturopathic Doctors. Below I share a link of other forms of Vitamin C and optimal dosing.

Vitamin C deficiency can be found in people with an overall poor diet, with kidney disease who get dialysis, heavy drinkers, and smokers. A smoker will need an extra 35 milligrams of vitamin C per day to help repair the damage caused by free radicals that form when you smoke.

Here is a research study done in New Zealand and it concluded that

Vitamin C appears to be able to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections by enhancing various immune cell functions. Prophylactic prevention of infection requires dietary vitamin C intakes that provide at least adequate, if not saturating plasma levels (i.e., 100–200 mg/day), which optimize cell and tissue levels. In contrast, treatment of established infections requires significantly higher (gram) doses of the vitamin to compensate for the increased metabolic demand.

Some time a go, I shared a study done about Diabetic patients with poor wound healing who were treated with higher doses of Vitamin C and their wounds actually healed and healed quicker. The article talked about the fact that Diabetics are routinely advised to cut down their sugar intake and unfortunately that also includes fruits high in Vitamin C. When I find it I will post here. Even the above article addresses wound healing.

Reports of people that are more susceptible to Critical complications of COVID-19 are Smokers, those with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, other chronic respiratory diseases, cancer) Smokers and Diabetics are more likely to be deficient in Vitamin C. Vitamin C supplementation has also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease helping to lower high blood levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides. Many combination Cardio Supplement formulas do contain Vitamin C. The heart combination formulas that I sell are RTRE, and Healthy Heart Plus.

Below are videos on Vitamin C helping others with COVID-19

Dr, Cheng, when he was treating patients in China

Dr Cheng’s update

Dr Cheng's Recommendations for helping keep the virus at bay

Information on Dosing Vitamin C

Vitamin C is getting harder to stock but will continue to do so as it is available.

We just don't have a Sweet Tooth

Weight Loss, Stress, Metabolic Balance, Mental Health, Depression, Digestive Issues, Digestive TractKaren SmithComment

We just don’t have a sweet tooth,

 Damn, we got a sweet belly?

sweet tooth sweet belly.jpg

Sugar and carb cravings sabotage any well-meaning promises to eat better on the daily!

I know even myself, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner can fall prey to carb cravings.  Carbohydrate cravings aren’t always a behavioral problem or lack of will power, but instead have genuine, biological causes that can be helped with various strategies and natural high quality supplements. 


What drives the sugar cravings??


1.   Candida overgrowth can cause extreme cravings for sugar and simple carbohydrates. Candida is a type of yeast that is naturally present in everyone’s digestive tract; however if your immune system is weak and your digestion is poor, Candida levels can get out of control. Grapefruit Seed Extract, Caprylic Acid, Undecylenic Acid, Berberine, Garlic, Horopito, Saccharomyces boulardii, Clove oil, and Coconut Oil are some natural ways to help kill Candida overgrowth. 


2.   Altered gut flora, new studies show that certain gut bacteria, require different substrates for different strains, to grow and reproduce. for example, Bacteroidetes grow with fats as a substrate while Prevotella grows best on a carbohydrate source. To help, substitute sugar with Manuka honey as it provides antimicrobial benefits to the gut, which help to promote the growth of bacteria that are good for your gut health while reducing cravings. High quality probiotic supplements also will help with sugar cravings, aim for 10000. Several strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus have been shown to improve anxiety- and depression-like behavior, which also tend to alter eating behaviour.


3.   Insulin resistance - Supplementing with a high-quality multi-vitamin is also beneficial toward reducing your sugar cravings and balancing blood sugar levels through improved insulin sensitivity. A daily vitamin ensures you meet recommended levels of minerals like zinc, chromium and magnesium — all of which are involved in maintaining healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. Myoinositol and D-chiro Inositol have been shown to reduce insulin increase. Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute have identified a compound from Hops that significantly improve markers of metabolic syndrome and reduced weight gain,  Gymnema tincture - Gymnema helps our cells take in sugar more effectively (hence not needing more), and improves sugar metabolism. Have a few drops on your tongue before you eat and help your sugar cravings lessen - it literally blocks the sugar receptors on your tastebuds. Cinnamon is also beneficial for help maintaining blood sugar. Eating Fibre, Protein and Quality Fats also help to regulate blood sugar. 

4.   Hormonal Imbalances; For women who feel worse around their menstrual cycle, try taking vitamin B6 (200mg) or P5P, its more bioavailable form. This helps ease the deficiency of the "feel good" hormone prostaglandin E1 (when this hormone is low, irritability and sugar cravings can result). If mood swings accompany the sugar cravings, it could be from excess sugar thats blocking your ability to turn a substance called GLA (gamma linoleic acid) into the DGLA (dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid) needed to produce prostaglandins that improve mood. Eveing Primrose Oil provides GLA, as does Borage Oil. Chastetree also helps PMS. 

For those whose sugar cravings increase when they enter perimenopause in their 40s, estrogen and progesterone deficiency may be driving sugar cravings.These supplements are helpful, B complex, Vitamin D3, and Omega3’s, Magnesium, Fiber, Liver Detox supplements and don’t forget a great quality Probiotic. Magnesium takes a big dip in menopause and we need magnesium for mood, relaxation and sleep. Herbals that help perimenopause are, Maca; Black Cohosh; Dong Quai; and Angelica Root,

For men, testosterone deficiency associated with andropause can also cause sugar cravings. D-Aspartic Acid. D-Aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that can boost low testosterone levels. Vitamin D, Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, Ginger, DHEA, Zinc, Ashwagandha. Naural Bioidentical Hormones may also be helpful.

5.   Depression or a bad mood can mentally and physically affect cravings too. Sugar consumption increases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite, memory, and social behavior. Because sugar boosts serotonin, you feel happier, temporarily, so your brain craves this. Oh serotonin also is made in your gut, so you need great gut health to produce your own serotonin. St. John’s wort, SAMe, 5-HTP, Omega-3, Vitamin Bs, Vitamin D, Saffron, Kava Kava are used to help combat depression. This article is not meant at medical advice, please consult a licenced Natural Health Practioner for guidance.

6.   Stress If you have cravings and are under stress, feel anxious much of the time, or you have insomnia, it can be related to your adrenal function, specifically a type of imbalance that can lead to exhaustion. You may notice that you need caffeine to wake up, and you crave sweets, salty foods, and more caffeine during the day — then carbohydrates or alcohol at night. If your adrenals are totally shot, these well meaning strategies don’t even cut it because you still feel run down, lethargic and no amount of sugar peps you back up. This only leads to a vicious cycle. There are many adrenal support supplements that help your adrenals combat stress. Aswaghanda, Rholdiol, Holy Basil Leaf, Licorice root, Curcumin, and Phosphatidylserine (PS) are excellent for supporting adrenals. Stress also causes the hormone cortisol to flood your body, releasing glucose from your liver, which in turn raises your blood sugar. The same list that helps adrenals also helps to reduce cortisol levels with the addition of Cordyceps, and Bacopa.

7.  Poor quality sleep , When we sleep poorly or go for long periods of time without sleep, our bodies make more ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that controls our cravings for carbohydrates and simple sugars. In one study, participants went from getting eight hours of sleep to five hours of sleep. This reduction led to a 15% higher level of ghrelin in their bodies. As Ghrelin increases so does sugar cravings.  Leptin is produced by our fat cells. It influences our satiety or feeling of fullness. When we are inadequately rested, we tend to produce less leptin, making us want to eat more. Again, when we are tired, we resort to more quick energy foods, simple carbs to keep ourselves awake. In the same study mentioned above, the sleep-deprived subjects demonstrated a 15% lower level of leptin, leading them to eat more. To help eas you back to more restful sleep, there is Melatonin, Hops, Passion Flower, Valarian, 5HTP, Tryptophan, L-Theanine, and Glycine.

8.  Mineral deficiencies might be another reason for your cravings. An iron deficiency will zap your energy, leaving you feeling fatigued, weak, and spurring cravings to perk you up. Calcium, zinc, chromium, and magnesium imbalances can manifest themselves as sugar cravings too. so here again, a high quality vitamin helps supply you with the nutrients you cannot get from food alone.


Other alternatives for natural sweeteners include maple syrup, coconut sugar, monk fruit and xylitol, (which also provides dental benefits) 

Eating well with whole foods to supply necessary nutrients is a part of the answer that helps combat food cravings. Of course avoiding the overly processed junk foods is also a must. Getting proper sleep, adequate exercise also factor in to help curb sugar cravings. Many of the supplements mentioned above also come in formulas specific to the issue. Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list, but it is a great start for you to consider adding these supplements if you have never tried any before. The right quality nutrients and supplements will help maintain your body and stop your sweet belly from growing out of control! In fact all these great tips could help shrink your sweet belly!



101 uses for Coconut Oil

Karen SmithComment
Wonderful coconut oil!

Wonderful coconut oil!

The fats in coconut oil are known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). The fatty acids are shorter than most other fats (1). These types of fats, will go straight to the liver, where they are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketones. Ketones can have powerful benefits for the brain, and are being studied for helping symptoms of epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and other conditions.

While coconut oil has been recently been given a bad wrap in USA, in other parts of the world, where it is consumed regularly people have thrived on its many beneficial properties. Two groups of Polynesians used to eat over 60% of their calories from coconuts. The study done in 1981 showed low rates of heart disease and were quite healthy (2).

Another study conducted on the Kitavins who also consume a great amount of coconut were also in excellent health. Stroke and ischaemic heart disease appear to be absent in this population.(3).

Another awesome benefit to coconut oil is that the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase how many calories you burn compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats. That is why you will see MCT in so many Sports Nutrition products as well. Here are the many wonderful uses of coconut oil summed up, in well, a rather long list! 

Coconut Oil’s Internal And External Uses And Benefits:

  1. It contains Lauric acid and MCFA which helps boost metabolism.                                                                        
  2. Add to baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter.                                                                                
  3. Some studies show that ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers.
  4. A great brain boosting snack for kids added to homemade treats
  5. An energy booster added to your Smoothie.
  6. 3-4 tablespoons a day (+ Vitamin D) helps to increase milk supply and nutrients for nursing moms.
  7. Helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast
  8. A TBSP mixed with a TBSP of chia seeds is great for an all-day energy boost (but NOT at night!).
  9. Helps improve insulin levels.
  10. Oil pulling (swooshing in the mouth) with coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health.
  11. Can help improve cholesterol ratios.
  12. Add to your hot tea to help speed recovery from cold or flu.
  13. As a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe.
  14. High heat point makes coconut oil a better cooking oil than olive or vegetable oils.
  15. An immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat.
  16. A basic skin lotion.
  17. Add to homemade lotion bars for sofert, smoother skin
  18. Add to homemade deodorant recipes
  19. An eye-makeup remover.
  20. A safe diaper cream (just rub on baby’s bottom) especially for cloth diapers
  21. Age spots lightener
  22. Prevents stretch marks during pregnancy.
  23. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning.
  24. A natural light SPF 4 sunscreen.
  25. Add to homemade lotion recipes.
  26. For Cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with warm water.
  27. With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works                                              
  28. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections.
  29. A fragrant tropical massage oil.
  30. No more frizz applied to ends of hair.
  31. An intensive nighttime facial moisturizer.
  32. A body scrub when mixed with equal parts sugar (use in the shower).
  33. A lip moisturizer
  34. Helps heal skin heal faster after injury or infection.
  35. Directly on the perineum to help heal after birth.
  36. Intensive natural conditioner - apply to hair and leave in under a hair cap
  37. For athlete’s foot or toe fungus.
  38. Nipple irritation of nursing mothers in place of lanolin (also great for baby!).
  39. Helps to sooth psoriasis or eczema.
  40. Clean and shine shoes and boots
  41. A great ingredient for Homemade Sunscreen.
  42. Apply to inside of nostrils to help alleviate allergy symptoms.
  43. Add to homemade Natural bug repellant formulas
  44. Helps to reduce appearance of varicose veins.
  45. After initial heat is gone, can help speed healing of sunburn.
  46. A natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora.
  47. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream.
  48. In natural homemade diaper cream.
  49. As a natural shave cream and after shave lotion.
  50. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite.
  51. To season cast iron skillets                                                                                                                       
  52. Anti-itch for mosquito bites.
  53. Can help with acne
  54. Stimulate hair growth when rubbed on scalp
  55. Help to speed ear infection healing.
  56. On split ends to de-frizz.
  57. A small amount can be rubbed into real leather to soften and condition (shiny leather only… test a small area first).
  58. By itself as a great tanning oil.
  59. Mixed with salt to remove dry skin on feet.
  60. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily.
  61. Can help improve sleep when taken daily.
  62. Helps to heal fungal infections when taken internally and used externally.
  63. A tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sooth a sore throat.
  64. To help sooth the itch of chicken pox or poison ivy.
  65. It has been shown to increase absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  66. Helps remineralize teeth used internally
  67. Some studies show that the beneficial fats in coconut oil can help with depression and anxiety.
  68. By itself as a natural deodorant.
  69. A natural whitening toothpaste combined with baking soda.
  70. For pets struggling with skin issues when used externally.
  71. Some evidence suggests that the beneficial fats in coconut oil are helpful for those with Autism.
  72. In homemade vapor rub.
  73. As a safe cooking oil for deep frying.
  74. To remove sticky labels
  75. Can be taken in warm ginger tea to sooth heartburn or nausea.
  76. As a completely natural baby lotion.
  77. On hands after doing dishes to avoid dry skin.
  78. Mixed with catnip, rosemary or mint essential oils as a natural bug repellent.
  79. Can be used on mom’s nipple and baby’s mouth to help treat thrush.
  80. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer.
  81. Add shine to hair
  82. Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs.
  83. When taken regularly, it can help fight candida.
  84. When taken regularly, it can boost hormone production.
  85. Can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids when used topically.
  86. Can boost circulation and help those who often feel cold.
  87. On cuticles to help nails grow.
  88. Rub into elbows daily to help alleviate dry, flaky elbows.
  89. Add to smoothies to give them a nutritional boost
  90. Internally during pregnancy to help provide baby necessary fats for development (especially when taken with Fermented Cod Liver Oil).
  91. In any recipes where vegetable oils are used.
  92. Whipped with shea butter for a soothing body balm.
  93. Taken supplementally for daily energy
  94. It has been called Brain Octane
  95. As a coffee creamer when emulsified into coffee, have you tried Bullet Proof Coffee?
  96. To support healthy thyroid function.
  97. In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils.
  98. Season your wooden cutting board
  99. Naturally clears up cold sores.
  100. Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms.
  101. Ingesting coconut oil daily can increase mental alertness  

So there you have it, Pick up your coconut oil today at Life Sustainers!  

photo credit: Copyright: <a href=''>belchonock / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

CoQ10 heart healthy

Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular Disease, Life Sustainers products, Big PharmaKaren SmithComment

If you want to know about CoQ10 and heart health, you might want to listen to what Dr. Gifford Jones has to say about this vital nutrient. After all, his heart is ticking strong at 90+ years old. 

Here is his article, "10 Facts You Should Know About Coenzyme Q10"

Mark Twain once remarked, "Get your facts first, then distort them as you please!" Facts are easy to distort in medicine, particularly when talking about coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). So here are 10 vital things to know about this important enzyme. And what unintended consequences occur when humans start playing God.


One: What is CoQ10? It's often referred to as the "sparkplug of our motors." Cars run on gas. Our 37 trillion cells get their energy from ATP (adenosine triphosphate), but we cannot make ATP without CoQ10.

Two: Studies show that our body has the highest amount of CoQ10 during our 20s. But then it starts to decrease. Several medical problems may result, such as fatigue, muscle cramps, weakness, emotional troubles and hypertension. Dr. Karl Folker, one of the early pioneers of CoQ10, says that a 25 per cent deficiency in CoQ10 is sufficient to cause illness, and a 75 per cent loss can result in death.

Three: The heart is a remarkable organ as it beats 100,000 times every 24 hours and 2.5 billion times by age 70, without a single holiday. Consequently, it requires a huge amount of energy. So nature has placed more CoQ10 in the heart than any other organ for this reason.

Four: Today millions of North Americans are taking cholesterol-lowering-drugs (CLDs). But this poses a problem. CLDs work by inhibiting an enzyme that produces cholesterol. But this same enzyme is also required for the manufacture of CoQ10, so by taking CLDs, less CoQ10 is produced. It's worrying that CLDs rob the heart's muscle of up to 40 per cent of CoQ10!.This is the best example I know where humans, by tinkering with nature, trigger unintended consequences. Beta blockers for blood pressure and antidepressant drugs can also decrease CoQ10 levels.

Five: Some researchers believe that by robbing the heart of CoQ10 year after year, CLDs may be setting the stage for an epidemic of heart failure. Currently, heart failure is the fastest growing cardiovascular problem in North America, partly due to an aging population and possibly an unintended effect of CLDs.

Six: 25 per cent of cholesterol is located in the brain as it, too, requires a good supply of energy. The use of CLDs results in another unintended consequence as CLDs pass through the blood brain barrier. This delivers a double whammy to the brain by affecting cholesterol metabolism and decreasing CoQ10. This explains why some people on CLDs complain of emotional problems. In rare cases, it has caused total amnesia, cured only by discontinuing this medication.

Seven: In my travels I've found that large numbers of people on CLDs are not taking CoQ10. If you are one of those, you should discuss this matter with your doctor. Remember, today there's a tendency for physicians to prescribe increasing doses of CLDs, and the greater the amount, the more need for CoQ10.


Eight: Studies show patients with heart failure have low levels of CoQ10. Fortunately, CoQ10 supplements can increase the strength of cardiac muscle in patients suffering from this problem. And a report in the American Journal of Cardiology, showed that a daily dose of 150 milligrams of CoQ10 decreases the incidence of angina by 50 per cent.

Nine: 50 per cent of overweight patients have low levels of CoQ10. Speeding up metabolism with Co Q10 is a safe way to help weight loss. CoQ10 is also a good antioxidant and some evidence shows it may be helpful for those with macular degeneration and diabetes. A lack of antioxidants has been associated with aging.

Ten: Remember, it's energy that makes our world function day after day, and without it, civilization as we know it will quickly end. Since CoQ10 is the body's main source of fuel, the more we know about it the better. It's available in health food stores.

As Benjamin Disraeli, Britain's prime minister, counselled, "As a general rule, most successful people are ones who have the best information".

So I hope Mark Twain would be pleased with these non-distorted facts.

Original article appears Dr. Gifford Jones website! 

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 has a more advanced form called Ubiquinol. It is the form in your body that needs to be converted from CoQ10 to be used for cellular energy. 


Puffball, a North American Indigenous delicacy

Haudenosaunee foods, RecipesKaren SmithComment

Tonight my friend Floretta posted a picture of her puffball. This sparked an idea to share more about the Puffball. She allowed me to use her picture.

When locating a puffball in the bush, open field or even on your lawn, you first want to ensure the area that you found it has not been sprayed with pesticides. Then you want to make sure your puff ball is the edible kind. That is easy to determine by slicing it. A fresh puff ball is going to be white with a pure white spongy flesh as seen in Floretta's picture below. No gills, no spikes or no pores should appear as you may have the deadly Amanitas instead. The poisonous Amanitas is like a white sack that appears to have a mushroom growing inside, and that is why you cut them open to reveal the type you have, edible or poisonous. An edible Puffball's flesh inside starts to yellow as the it matures, and then is no longer edible.

A perfect puffball!

A perfect puffball!

Preparing puffballs to eat

Remember, ensure a nice white colour, for freshness, Check first for worms, little tunnels and cut that part & any discoloured part away, DO NOT soak or rinse in water. Peel away the outer skin, as this can cause digestive upset. Puffballs can be sautéed, broiled, or the classic way is breaded and fried with a flour/egg/breadcrumb method. The flour can be gluten-free or cornmeal flour as well, and can be seasoned with sea salt & pepper. Ensure a nice caramelized or golden brown colour.

You can also freeze it, grill and freeze, or dehydrate to make a puffball flour that will be great in many dishes, soups and bread.  Simply slice thin and place on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, oven on lowest setting and dry overnight or place in a dehyrdrator!

The coolest way is to make a puff ball pizza, simply use your grilled, breaded slices in place of the pizza dough. There are many other great ways to serve puffballs! With a little google search, you will find many recipes. 

Here is a link to a PDF explaining the many uses of Puffballs by Indigenous North American peoples.