At 13 weeks on the Metabolic Balance Program, I have reached my goal weight. That was over 2 weeks ago. I lost 23 pounds and I can say that prior to being on the Metabolic Balance program, being a Holistic Nutritionist and eating healthy, whole foods, the weight was still creeping on. I indulged in sweet treats, and though they were confined to healthier versions, (such as hemp balls, made with maple syrup, dates, chia desserts, gluten-free zucchini bread, avocado/cocao puddings, etc). these along with my eating schedule kept me from being the healthiest version of myself. The trouble was that I was keeping insulin elevated through the day, that kept me hungry, tired and craving sweets. I was not metabolically balanced so despite clean eating I was not losing weight and adding a few pounds back on.
I was lacking energy and I was crediting that to the stress of having a new business. Despite loving it, it was still stressful, as my business was not as successful as I hoped and my pension investment was going down the tubes. Though this may have added to my energy low, what was more the culprit was the imbalance of blood sugar and hormones. When you are not balancing your metabolism, insulin remains elevated so the other hormones become out of whack. As long as Insulin is elevated, 2 stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline remain elevated. This by the way, depletes your Magnesium stores and may lead to Adrenal Fatigue. Cholesterol and triglycerides remain elevated as well. You can not burn fat and it actually builds up and is stored. Melatonin, the sleep hormone is decreased. DHEA which is needed to make other hormones also decreases and so does the Human Growth Hormone.
What also happens when insulin is elevated, is your feel hungry all the time and even after eating you are unable to feel satiated. Thus a vicious cycle of overeating, increased weight, lack of quality sleep, increased stress hormones depleting your energy, hormonal issues, blood sugar highs and lows, more hunger, insatiable cravings, all which potentially may lead to Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes and Cardiovascular risks, Other possibilities are PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Infertility, and plain lack of energy.
Now that I have reached my goal weight, I can look forward to added food choices in Phase 3 (the Relaxed Phase). A few more fruit, vegetable and protein choices are added. I can also continue to enjoy a treat meal once a week, and I am allowed to eat whatever I choose. The Metabolic Balance program, though strict in the beginning, does not leave you deprived, You have a new found love and enjoyment for whole foods that help provide you with exactly what you need to nourish your body and give you the right building blocks to sustain your life, rather than drain it! Having a treat meal, such as enjoying a meal out, or on special occasions is still very much allowed. Metabolic Balance is eating more like our grandparents or great grandparents did. They ate whole foods, not processed and only had an occasional treat. They did not have a treat everyday or every meal leading to crazy daily blood sugar spikes. They also didn't eat before they went to bed when there was no way to burn those calories off. The constant processed foods and snacking of today's SAD (Standard American Diet) is sadly leaving us unhealthy and prone to diseases.
Maybe this has happened to you. When you finally took flight from the nest of your parent's home, you could eat whatever your darn well pleased and so you did. Then away at college or university, or in your own apartment, you started to pack on the pounds. You could eat ice cream for breakfast if you so choose. Well sometimes when left to our free choice, those choices are not always healthy for us. What Metabolic Balance does it provide us with a plan to stick to. It becomes a guide to healthy. It provides us with what we need and not what we want short term. Sometimes we need to follow a plan for feeding our body what it needs, rather than what we want to have long range benefits. Some times we just need to be guided and it's so worth the investment.
What is also amazing, is that I didn't have to put in oodles of time at a gym or exercise relentlessly. Some people are doing that and still having a hard time obtaining a healthy weight. As long as insulin is surging through out the day, one can not burn fat! If you are a person that does not care for hard core exercise, or because of your metabolic imbalance, you simply do not have the energy to engage in exercise this will be good news for you. With Metabolic Balance you don't have to exercise excessively. In the first few weeks, it is actually recommended not to exercise. You are allowed to rest, but still burn fat. Once your metabolic balance plan provides you with more energy, than your new found energy allows you to do some moderate exercise, like walking, yoga, hiking, cycling, etc.
What's more, or maybe I should be saying what's less, is that I lost 4.5 inches off my waist and 2.5 inches off my hips, and 2.5 inches off my upper leg. My BMI (Body Mass Index) dropped 4 points and my WHtR (Height to Weight Ratio) went down 1 point.
I am responsible for my food choices, and the Metabolic Balance plan has made it possible for more life sustaining choices. Sure I may not be able to control accidents, or disasters that may take my life, but I can sure choose healthier options for improved health, Creator-willing if I live a long life, I want it to be the healthiest long life as possible free of unnecessary, preventable dis-eases.
My pancreas, my liver, my joints, my brain, my heart are thanking me and I am thanking Metabolic Balance.
Start your Metabolic Balance journey today and your body parts will be thanking you too!