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What are significant mineral ratios and what do they tell you

HTMAKaren SmithComment

Continuing with my own Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Significant Mineral Ratios


The mineral levels in your hair can provide insight into metabolism, cellular health, toxic heavy metal load, energy production, mineral deficiencies, mineral imbalances, nutritional status, and a variety of common health conditions. 


If the relationship between certain minerals in the body is disturbed, normal biological functions and metabolic activity can be unfavourably affected.


The understanding of mineral ratios is extremely exciting and much more revealing than analyzing mineral levels alone. Ratios are reflective of disease trends, though are not diagnostic, rather are research associations.

Ratios are frequently predictive of hidden or future metabolic dysfunctions.


The first ratio (Ca/P) on the chart is the Metabolic Ratio.  As this ratio rises, it is reflective of an exhausted body.  As this pattern worsens, it will affect thyroid and adrenal activity. A couple of symptoms that I also have are strong cravings for sweets or starches and low energy! Mine is not super high, but certainly something to be mindful of.


The next ratio, is Na/k and very importantly is called the STRESS ratio. Mine, being above 6 is considered an acute alarm stage of STRESS! This ratio will also mean that a person is burning up their Magnesium stores and that also registered on my HTMA.


The Ca/K ratio is called the Thyroid ratio, and mine registered extremely high! Yikes! SOME symptoms of an elevation in this ratio can be cold hands and feet, fatigue, chronic stress, low blood pressure. Yes those are some of my issues!  Also it is important to note this is where HTMA, rather than blood work can be more predictive of things to come. HTMA is looking at a deeper cellular level, so having this show up, is an extreme warning to support the thyroid. Incidentally my mother was on Synthroid and I didn’t know or for how long. I only came to know when I started to help take care of her. She also had 2 autoimmune diseases.


The (Na/Mg) Ratio is reflective of adrenal function! Another yikes, as mine is registering pretty darn sluggish! Symptoms that I have that align with this reading are extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, sweet cravings, salty cravings, and brain fog!


There is also a blood sugar ratio, which is Ca/Mg. Mine is veering to slightly elevated, which signifies insulin dysregulation.


The above associations are only glimpses of what an HTMA can reveal, and there is so much more to tell with these ratios.


What is great about doing the HTMA, is that it points the way to interventions to change the course of your health and bring these ratios into more ideal readings. When you do, your symptoms will decrease and you will notice the difference!


You can book your HTMA with me using the link is below and there are more details and several research conclusions about HTMA on the linked page. Let a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis benefit your health and wellness journey!