Life Sustainers Natural Health & Nutrition Market

Life Sustainers Natural Health Market- Holisitic

Why Invest in a Berkey

Karen SmithComment

Why Should You Invest in a Berkey Water Filtration Unit?

Berkey Natural Purification Systems are the ultimate in portable water purification systems. They can be used in both homes and offices and are also ideal for personal protection while on the road. They are used worldwide in normal, hostile and emergency environments to provide the cleanest, purest, sparkling water possible … Compared with other systems available in the market today, the Berkey Systems stand out by providing the most delicious, freshest, healthiest drinking water possible for just pennies a day … Berkey Systems are the World’s Most Powerful and Cost Effective Personal Water purification Systems Providing Reliable and User-friendly Water Purification in Both Normal and Hostile Filtration Environments.

Berkey Systems are incredibly versatile — they can purify both treated (tap) water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagant ponds, drains and water supplies in third world countries where water regulations may be sub-standard at best. The system is so effective that it can even remove red food colouring from water, yet it will not remove the beneficial minerals your body needs! It is perfect for everyday use, and also a vital tool in hostile environments where, electricity, water pressure or treated water may not be available.

Our bodies contain more than 60% water by weight. This proportion is even higher in children and infants. People who are health conscious know that the foundation of a healthy life and body is clean and fresh drinking water. Water-borne diseases is the leading cause of death in most third world countries. Even in industrialised countries, the contamination of drinking water sources have led in many cases to widespread health issues. The availability of clean and pure drinking water is the foundation of life.

Even in developed countries, access to clean, good tasting, wholesome drinking water may be harder than you might expect. Water from the purification plant has to travel through many kilometers of pipes to reach your home. If you live in a an apartment, the water is probably stored in a rooftop tank for several days before it reaches your taps. In order to prevent bacterial contamination, the water has to be treated with chlorine. Contamination can come from many sources — illegal access to the rooftop water tanks, aging pipes which may leach heavy metals like iron and lead into the water, and so on. Treatment by chlorination, though essential, invariably produce unpleasant tastes and odours. Hence most families tend to boil their water before using it for drinking and cooking purposes, as boiling does remove this chlorine taste.

However, boiling water to remove the chlorine taste and smell has its setbacks. Firstly, it costs money in terms of gas or electricity bills. Most important, if the water has bacterial or other organic contaminants, boiling the water can actually cause the chlorine to chemically react with these contaminants which may lead to the creation of highly toxic products.*

Then there is the issue of fluoride which is added to our tap water. Whilst most people believe that fluoridation of the drinking water prevents tooth decay, it might surprise you to know that the science behind this belief has not been strictly proven, and may even be false (this is a controversial subject). But what may surprise most people is that fluoridation of public water supplies is by no means a universal practice! Fluoridation of water is NOT done in all of Europe (outside of UK). Japan, Russia and China have all stopped the fluoridation of their water supplies for many years now. In fact, presently only 8 countries in the entire world add fluoride to their tap water!

Berkey Water Systems stand out among and the available water purification systems today in that it can effectively remove fluoride from your drinking water. For those who value their health or for whatever reason do not wish to consume fluoride in their drinking water, Berkey Water System gives them the option at a very low cost. Berkey Water Systems have long been recognized as the world’s ultimate in water purification. Its simple, highly effective method of using gravity was first developed almost 200 years ago. Yet it still produces some of the finest, healthy drinking water available.

original article obtained from