The sign of warm weather, sometimes brings unwanted visitors to the home. I am not talking about your aunt, but ants! This is something that I just had to deal with in my office. I used the diatomaceous earth, and that was successful. However I think the army re-routed to tour-de-la-kitchen. The ants seem to be entering the home via the window frames. I did not want to wait the couple of days it took for the ants to be deterred with the Diatomaceous Earth in the kitchen. I didn't need them to bring the whole army, nor did I want them to infect food areas.
I wanted them gone immediately and forever! Since I promote Essential Oils, I knew there would be an Essential Oil or Oils to deter or kill the pesky ants. Low and behold I found a recipe using Peppermint and Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Essential Oil. I personally promote Divine Essence Essential Oils. They make certified organic 100% pure grade Essential Oils and are a Canadian company with a very reasonable price point and they have over 240 types to choose from!
Certified Organic Essential Oils
The recipe is as follows:
- 20 drops of tea tree oil
- 20 drops of peppermint oil
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper (spice)
Fill a spray bottle (with an Industrial Sprayer Nozzle) with water and then add the above ingredients. The trick to using the industrial nozzle is so the cayenne pepper does not clog the sprayer.
Spray generously on the ants and spray near their entry points, inside of any cracks or crevices where they are entering you home. In my case it was the window frames. It may be time to reseal them with caulking on the outside of the window frame. Lucky for me, my son suggested it, so I am get him to do the job!
The other thing...obviously you do not want to spray this in your eyes or near children's play areas. If you do accidentally spray it on your hands, you will want to wash them immediately so as not to accidentally touch your eyes! Although, cayenne pepper is used in herbal eye washes for prevention or certain eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, etc. I shall post about that at another time.