Yes, that's right, fried eggs for breakfast and they sure are tasty! Many people think of starvation when they think of diets! I don't even like to use the word die-t, rather, I prefer nutri-style, to describe a healthy eating plan. So the Metabolic Balance, nutri-style or plan provides ample serving sizes, as it is based upon your own personal nutritional needs.
For a long time, eggs were considered really rotten according to mainstream dietary and medical device. They made an incorrect association of egg consumption to high cholesterol in the human body, so eggs became off limits. That was not the case in Holistic Nutrition, however, but Holistic Nutrition is rarely in the headlines. Now mainstream dietary advice is doing a 180 as they too realize that eggs were never really the culprit in high cholesterol levels.
Metabolic Balance delved into the research that reveals that eggs have a high nutritional value. Did you know that eggs are the most complete protein? Yes when eggs, are consumed, 100% of the protein is able to be utilized in the body. This is called the Biological Value of Proteins. Proteins are composed of 21 biological amino acids. 9 of these are “essential amino acids”, meaning our bodies cannot produce them, so they must be consumed as sustenance from food sources. When a protein has all the essential amino acids in a proportion similar to what the human body requires, it has a high Biological Value. When one or more of the essential amino acids are missing or present in low numbers, that lowers the biological value of that protein. The biological value of a protein is rated from 100 - 0 and this describes how well it is absorbed by the body. Truly, it is a measure of the percentage of the protein that is actually incorporated into the proteins of the human body. So eggs have one of the highest BV's for protein. Some report eggs BV as 100, but I have also seen 94. One important thing to note is if a too high protein diet is consumed, it automatically reduces the biological value of all proteins consumed. The body is getting more amino acids than it can actually metabolize at any given time. When this happens, the excess amino acids are removed as waste (urea is an example of a protein "waste product"). One of the most important methods of removal is through the kidneys and out in the urine. This is why in Metabolic Balance, only 1 kind of protein is eaten during a meal. Egg consumption may be limited in Metabolic Balance for other reasons, depending on a person's blood work.
Eggs also have choline, which is an essential nutrient for brain health. They are source for other B vitamins as well.
Most would assume that if you are trying to lose weight, that a plan would involve switching to no fat, low-fat. That has been the grand scheme for many years, only to find that obesity and cardio vascular disease didn't decrease but sky rocketed when this happened. To make no fat and low-fat foods, taste better, they added more sugar. Sugar is what converts to fat in the body. We actually need good healthy fats in our diet, as lipids are essential in our body make-up as well. Essential Fatty Acids are needed for every cell in our body, and important for nerves, hormone production, joint, eye and heart health. High quality oils, like ghee, olive oil, flax seed oil, etc., are necessary for Metabolic Balance. Omega 3 from fish are also included in the Metabolic Balance plan as well. Again the type and quantity is dependant on your very own blood values. This is a deciding factor in your own individualized Metabolic Balance Meal plan.
Sautéed Mushrooms and Wild Rice
When you think of Metabolic Balance, you don't have to think of only limitations and restrictions, but the inclusion and abundance of many different food choices that are tasty and provide optimal nutrition while shedding the excess fat layers.
If you want on the Metabolic Balance journey check the link out below and there is an email form to fill in and we will get your started on your own personal Metabolic Balance plan!