Well I am into my 7th week of Metabolic balancing, and I have also recruited a Metabolic Balance partner.
My father is 83 years old and has had Diabetes Type 2 for over 40 years. He is such a determined person to take care of his health, because for 30 of those years he has managed to control his Diabetes with diet and exercise alone. It has only been this last 10 years, that he has had to resort to medications and still no insulin. He takes Janivia and Metformin.
The last couple of years have been particularly hard on him. He lost his wife, only one year ago after a lengthy illness. He also suffers from chronic pain (3 back surgeries and hip replacement) and he takes medication with very little alleviation of the pain. He has tried numerous remedies for pain management. Because of the pain, he is not as active as he would like to be, although he is going for Physiotherapy and still does exercises at home.
These stressors and the progression of Diabetes have had his blood sugars fluctuating despite the medication. His dietary habits that formed throughout his years of Diabetes were less effective and he was following some outdated mainstream dietary advice.
When I asked him if he would try the Metabolic Program, his blood sugar was still a bit high as he routinely measures it. Over a month's span his morning blood sugar was ranging between 8 - 10 mmol/L. He gave it a lot of thought and decided that he could stand to lose a few pounds and his "pusgut," as he terms the extra belly fat. “Subcutaneous fat” is the pinchable, squishy fat between your skin and muscle that helps keep you warm, cushions you against shock, and stores extra calories. “Visceral fat” stores calories too, but not so pinchable as it is in and around your organs. It’s hidden deep within the belly region, which is what makes it firm (rather than squishy) when you press it. Visceral fat is more concerning as it’s a key factor in a variety of health problems — much more so than subcutaneous fat.
Abdominal obesity is having a waist circumference of 102 cm (40 in) or more in men and 88 cm (35 inches) or more in women, and is also a factor in Metabolic Syndrome.
The Metabolic Balance program is based on individual blood work, health status and individual conditions. So when he was sent for blood work, the results came back that he had high urea.
"High levels of blood urea can affect the kidney. If the uric acid content becomes high it can cause pains in your joints. More raised level of uric acid in the body leads to the formation of kidney stones. The blood urea converts to uric acid. If this is in excess, the effect of this compound on the kidneys is high in diabetic patients. When excess of urea deposit is found in the body, it indicates the failure or less functioning of the kidneys. Sometimes it can be due to the renal failure as well."1 Heart failure, dehydration or a diet high in protein can also cause high urea blood values.
"New studies show that high uric acid levels in the blood are associated with a nearly 20% increased risk of developing diabetes and a more than 40% increased risk of developing kidney disease. Uric acid is a chemical substance that can build up in the blood to a higher than normal level and lead to gout."2 My father has enough pain, he does not need to develop gout or kidney disease.
His eGFR was also in the range that indicates mild to moderate decrease in kidney function.
His Red Blood Cell count was low. This may also be indicative of kidney issues or may be for other reasons. Kidney failure—severe and chronic kidney diseases lead to decreased production of erythropoietin, a hormone produced by the kidneys that stimulates RBC production by the bone marrow.
Another blood value was high triglycerides. High triglycerides raise your risk of heart disease and is also a sign of metabolic syndrome. Having diabetes or even Pre-diabetes puts you at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. So it is important for Diabetics to keep the blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol within range.
Also of a concern is that he has low HDL cholesterol which is considered the good cholesterol. Low HDL is a strong and well-established risk factor for heart disease as well. Losing weight does help to raise HDL cholesterol. As well, consuming the good fats, - mono and poly-unsaturated fats, also helps raise the HDL. These are the oils that are recommended on the Metabolic Balance plan. Cardio exercise is also helpful but with his limited ability to engage in brisk exercise because of his chronic pain, this is not so doable for him.
He also had a high value for C Reactive Protein which is an indicator for inflammation in the body. His is most likely due to the pain areas of his body. High CRP may also reflect an increased risk for heart disease in males over 50 years and females over 60 years.
Our supper - Given our individual Metabolic plans, we sometimes are given different choices of foods to eat, however this was one meal that we both can enjoy, along with a slice of Rye toast. Sometimes I find the meal enough without the Rye toast.
Now the good news! My father has just completed Phase 2 of the Metabolic Balance program. Within 2 weeks he has lost 7 lbs and an inch off the ole pusgut! It has not been easy, as prior to the Metabolic Balance program he had enjoyed eating out, and nightly snacks.
He has cut down considerably on his coffee intake. This by the way is very acidic to the body, and increases dehydration. Coffee is also not good for the kidneys. "Studies show that long-term consumption of coffee can make kidney disease worse. Caffeine is also a bladder irritant, which can make an overactive bladder problem worse. Coffee is rich in oxalates, compounds that bind with calcium in the blood to create calcium oxalate, a major component of kidney stones."3
He has also increased his water intake, which will also help the kidneys. "Treatment for kidney disease usually focuses on controlling the underlying cause of the disease, ...which means better management of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels."4
His average blood sugar in the mornings is now in the 6-7mmol/L range and his doctor has taken 1 Metformin pill away. He has also quit his use of synthetic sweeteners and is enjoying low glycemic fruit instead, with more nutritional value. He has switched from regular table salt to Herbmare (A.Vogel's) which adds more minerals and has additional spices for added flavour, and helps in reduction of sodium intake. This is also something to reduce for Kidney disease. Now that he is eating what I prepare for him, I add no salt, compared to the restaurant meals he enjoyed. Regular table salt contains an anti-caking agent. "The most commonly used anti-caking agent is E554 sodium aluminosilicate which comes with possible side effects such as constipation, along with many precautions if you have liver or kidney disease."5
The Metabolic Balance program takes into account his high urea blood value so his protein intake was adjusted accordingly, but still meets nutritional demands of his body.
With these initial improvements, the Metabolic Balance program is on it's way to helping him lower his blood sugar, helping lower triglycerides, and possibly helping his kidney function. More results have yet to happen along the way, but I believe this is an awesome start.
Since I am on my 7th week I have lost 14 lbs. I am now enjoying a treat meal once a week. However when I decided to have the apple crisp at an event recently, my tummy hurt so much after, it was not enjoyable. This is one of the great side effects of the program as well. Foods that you once enjoyed no longer have the same wow factor. I have occasional hunger pangs in between meals, but I am not experiencing overwhelming cravings for sweets that I used to.
1. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-urea-and-uric-acid/#ixzz47XDzlNfY
2. http://www.webmd.com/arthritis/news/20111111/high-uric-acid-linked-to-both-gout-and-diabetes
3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2987126/It-good-brain-waistline-bad-bones-kidneys-daily-coffee-really-doing-body.html#ixzz47YRVuLMd
4. http://www.healthline.com/health/kidney-disease#Overview1
5. http://www.onlineholistichealth.com/truth-sea-salt/#sthash.LhVIdndQ.dpuf
If you would like to get on your own Metabolic Journey, then link on over here to shoot me an email request!