Live GOOD!
My plan to continue to offer the highest quality nutraceutical products continues and now it has lead me to a new company, Live Good, an affordable option. Wait now, hear me out!
Just before Christmas I had a great opportunity to have an OSTTC student have a placement with me. She was very helpful and she spent her time going through all my shelves to find expired products. You may want to ask, why I did not do it earlier? Many times I have, but it is always a very depressing chore for me to see the number of quality supplements, super foods or organic products that have expired and it basically represents a loss of revenue for me. I offer great discounts and have learned to limit my stock, but still when the products don't sell, it is a huge loss. I have also reduced soon-to-expire supplements as well, with no success in moving them. This happens frequently.
When my student was finished, the number of products expired was still a shock to me. We had to free up another whole shelf just for more expired products. Though these products do not suddenly turn bad or impotent or less effective over night, I guess people are still weary of purchasing them even though greatly discounted. I have given and am currently giving many high quality products away with a purchase. This at least helps to ease the painful thought of just dumping oodles of supplements out. I have had to do it a few times, however.
So again I would like to thank the loyal customers coming in frequently to shop at the local rez natural health store, My passion is offering quality nutraceuticals, tips and services to help in our community's wellness. I firmly believe in what I am doing and I am always searching for other ways to meet the need and educate.
So know that I am still trying and I am still keeping the store doors open. I know that I offer a great number of very high quality supplements that have incredible results in helping to heal our bodies from what could be some very life altering issues.
So enter Live Good, I was actually introduced to this company back in the spring time, I gave it a quick look and again was hesitant because of it being an MLM company. Now that I gave it a more thorough look, right down to their policies and taste testing their products (and every one tasted awesome). I am so excited to offer this as an alternative to those who would sooner have home delivery, plus affordable wellness products.
that is not the only bonus. Unlike other companies, there are NO QUOTAS, there are NO REQUIREMENTS to order every month or a certain amount each month. You do not have to join, you can certainly just order retail whenever you want. Even if you do join, via a $9.95 USD/month membership you still Do NOT have to order every month. HOW ABOUT THAT, ORDER WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT?
It's just the cat's meow, LIVE GOOD brings you the most advanced nutritional supplements on the market, made with only the purest, highest quality, results-driven ingredients on the planet, without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies. They are so affordable, perfect for your family budget and their wellness!
So if you want to shop and save, join the membership, you have a choice to pay monthly or pay yearly (saving 20%) CLICK the link above. Some prices to give you an idea, Men's or Women's multi, $9.95 for high quality, at the optimal dosages. What about a really great tasting Greens Powder, at only $18.00, An ORGANIC Super Greens that Helps improve digestion, support immunity, boost energy and feel more vibrant with just one delicious scoop each day! I sell a Greens line in the store, and my wholesale cost that I pay is way more than that.
Too early to commit to a membership, then order Retail and still look at the low prices for the same amazing products. $14.95 for the Multi's, $24,00 for the Organic Super Greens. Just take a look, there is a so much more to choose from with great benefits!
But wait, who does not need extra cash in today's ever expensive world? If you are ready to make some extra cash, if even to pay for your own supplements then check out the opportunity to become a Live Good Affiliate for only $40 USD fee! The ways to earn money is 10 deep and as far wide as you can see! When I started my brick and mortar store, there was way more overhead than that! There were the Renos, not only financial, but a lot of elbow grease and time went in to that to get the store ready. There is the purchasing of the shelving, coolers, price tags, bags, advertising, the products (that have an expiry date that is really a best before date) and much more. So $40.00 USD a month is a great start up cost and you do not have to deal with excessive overhead costs. Does your netflix, or amazon membership pay you back??
Come in and shop in the store, for my January clearance sales, 15%, 30% or 50% off.
I still am offering my services such at Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, and Live Blood Cell Analysis for some deeper health issues so remember you can book those here
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